Notwithstanding the Congress claims that everything is fine with the non-BJP opposition combine Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (I.N.D.I.A), and that it is cohesive and geared up for Lok Sabha, the grouping is in tatters. With just two months left for the crucial Lok Sabha elections the vital question arises what should the opposition bloc particularly the Congress do to be electorally war ready.

The alliance even before it could find its feet has nosedived thanks to some of its constituents. The exit of Janata Dal (U) chief and modern day master of making political somersaults, Mr Nitish Kumar, at almost the fag end of his political career following reports of others such as Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) led by Rajya Sabha member Mr Jayant Chaudhary also heading towards the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance after enjoying the perks in the company of Samajwadi Party (he owes his Rajya Sabha seat to Samajwadi Party supremo Mr Akhilesh Yadav), a serious situation has risen for the I.N.D.I.A particularly Congress.

On top of that the senior most leader in the bloc and master of political chess-board Mr Sharad Pawar has been pushed to the corner by factional fight in Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). With the Election Commission deciding the case over who real NCP is, in his fight with his nephew Mr Ajit Pawar, against him, the Pawar senior seems to be in no position to use his standing and influence to plug gaps in I.N.D.I.A.

This is the time of reckoning and be decisive for the all the alliance partners in particular the Congress. The Narendra Modi led NDA is sitting pretty well for its successful strategy to launch a full-throated attack on Congress, spare the combine allies and wean them away using every tactic in the game. It is clear that the regional satraps are more vulnerable to the BJP machinations and tend to succumb either under pressure or for crumbs of power.

Irreparable damage has already been caused to the I.N.D.I.A by a senior ally such as Trinamool Congress chief and West Bengal chief minister Ms Mamta Banerjee’s no-holds-barred attack on Congress in particular Mr Rahul Gandhi. That too in the midst of Mr Gandhi’s Bharat Yodo Nyay Yatra traversing through West Bengal. The feisty but disdainfully mercurial Ms Banerjee questioned both the capacity of Congress to perform (Congress cannot win even 40 seats in Lok Sabha elections was her refrain) and veracity of Mr Gandhi’s Nyay Yatra describing it as a mere photo opportunity exercise.

Should the Congress and other I.N.D.I.A allies trust each other following this? The answer is there seems to be more distrust than the meeting ground that reflects even in the woeful defence of the alliance at least by Congress as none of the other combine constituents either seen or heard stoutly defending the alliance.

With clock running fast and Lok Sabha elections two-months away, the Congress must indulge in serious appraisal of the situation. The party must realise that it is under a two-pronged attack by team-Modi- directly and indirectly. It was visible on how Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi, at times hitting below the belt, targeted the Congress during his addresses in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha during the ongoing budget session. The second prong has been to poach into the I.N.D.I.A combine partners and exploit their vulnerability.

The Congress is in a peculiar and unlikeable defensive situation where it has not only to defend itself from the continuous BJP sniping led by none other than Mr Modi and his second in command Home Minister Mr Amit Shah, but also stand up bravely against attacks by its own allies. At a time when the combine should have joined ranks to face the BJP’s onslaught, they are busy in intra-I.N.D.I.A squabbles.

The Congress must admit that Mr Nitish Kumar’s somersault has opened the exit doors for others to follow. At a time when the combine should have taken-on the BJP with full might, their constituents particularly the regional satraps have opened fronts against Congress. They may like or not, Congress has the pivotal role to play if the combine was to sustain as none of the regional leaders, more vulnerable to BJP machinations and attacks, has either the capacity to do that or the pan-India presence.

It’s time Congress must sit and think afresh if it is to stay in contest in the coming Lok Sabha elections. So should the remaining allies of the combine. Since there is much on stake for Congress the party leaders must redraw plans and sit on the drawing board in an emergent situation to strategize on developing alternative modes – with and without the I.N.D.I.A combine.

The party should shrug its lethargic attitude and do some serious business other than formulating committees and panels by the dozens to oversee its poll arrangements. Although this mechanism has propelled into action but it is not working on ground as the reports suggest such committees are only performing their ritualistic duties rather than doing any serious business with whims and facies of their heads ruling supreme.

Agreed the I.N.D.I.A alliance is an ongoing job. Let it be and let it experience its own twists and turns. But it is important that the Congress leaders should approach remaining opposition bloc leaders individually as well to explore possibilities of state-wise electoral understanding rather than at a broader level which does not seem to be working.

At whatever level the talks are held the underlining principle should be that none of the constituents, jointly or at a bilateral-level, undermine each other and recognize each-other’s strength and weakness. The baseline should be that they focus on taking on and attacking BJP rather than targeting the Congress. That will serve no one’s purpose and in turn make things easier for Mr Modi who is not only sitting pretty but, ostensibly, enjoying his political machinations aimed at decimating opposition before it jointly entered the election arena.

Since the entire functioning of the Congress is revolving around Mr Rahul Gandhi, time has come that he should accept this realistic situation as he cannot afford to play truant in the name of undertaking Nyay Yatra at a wrong time. It would have been a different thing had the I.N.D.I.A combine worked successfully.

Mr Gandhi must immediately stop his Nyay Yatra and channelize all his energies to galvanize the party for elections. He should take initiatives to talk to ally leaders since some of those who – like DMK, Shiv Sena, SP- are favourably inclined towards both Congress and Mr Gandhi, lose no opportunity to show their discomfiture towards the grand old party.

If Mr Gandhi’s Nyay Yatra is part of his long drawn political strategy, let that be. But it is losing its meaning and purpose under the prevailing circumstances. His advisors must stand up and confront if need be. For, the time is running out of hands. Stand up, strategize. Or else, be prepared to perish in a case of self-immolation.

Congress: Quickly rethink or perish

Congress: Quickly rethink or perish

Notwithstanding the Congress claims that everything is fine with the non-BJP opposition combine Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (I.N.D.I.A), and that it is cohesive and geared up for Lok Sabha, the grouping is in tatters. With just two months left for the crucial Lok Sabha elections the vital question arises what should the opposition bloc particularly the Congress do to be electorally war ready.

The alliance even before it could find its feet has nosedived thanks to some of its constituents. The exit of Janata Dal (U) chief and modern day master of making political somersaults, Mr Nitish Kumar, at almost the fag end of his political career following reports of others such as Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) led by Rajya Sabha member Mr Jayant Chaudhary also heading towards the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance after enjoying the perks in the company of Samajwadi Party (he owes his Rajya Sabha seat to Samajwadi Party supremo Mr Akhilesh Yadav), a serious situation has risen for the I.N.D.I.A particularly Congress.

On top of that the senior most leader in the bloc and master of political chess-board Mr Sharad Pawar has been pushed to the corner by factional fight in Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). With the Election Commission deciding the case over who real NCP is, in his fight with his nephew Mr Ajit Pawar, against him, the Pawar senior seems to be in no position to use his standing and influence to plug gaps in I.N.D.I.A.

This is the time of reckoning and be decisive for the all the alliance partners in particular the Congress. The Narendra Modi led NDA is sitting pretty well for its successful strategy to launch a full-throated attack on Congress, spare the combine allies and wean them away using every tactic........

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