The tale of Naveen Thomas (39), his wife Devi B (39), and their friend Arya B Nair (29) paints a sombre picture of the depths to which superstition can lead, even in the face of education and modernity. In a world where the worship of Satan persists alongside belief in black magic, their tragic end serves as a chilling reminder of the allure of otherworldly promises. As qualified Ayurvedic doctors and a high school teacher, one would expect them to be grounded in rationality and reason. Yet, their inexplicable decision to forsake this world for an imagined one shows the powerful grip of superstition on the human psyche. Their journey to Arunachal Pradesh, shrouded in secrecy, ended in a grim discovery — a hotel room stained with their blood, alongside a handwritten note bidding farewell to the world they knew where their poor parents who brought them up lived only to suffer forever. Their certitude in their actions is unsettling, a testament to the depths of conviction borne from misguided beliefs.

Reports suggest that Naveen, the supposed instigator, delved into cultic beliefs of life on another planet, fuelled by an insatiable thirst for the unknown. The irony of their backgrounds — a state renowned for its literacy and their own attainment of quality education — serves as a stark reminder that education alone cannot inoculate against the seduction of superstition. In a society where the wealthy and the educated are not immune to the allure of superstition, the tragedy of Naveen, Devi, and Arya serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers inherent in blind faith. Their story, a cautionary tale echoing through the corridors of time, underscores the importance of critical thinking and rationality in navigating the complexities of existence.

Editorial: Seduction Of Superstition

Editorial: Seduction Of Superstition

The tale of Naveen Thomas (39), his wife Devi B (39), and their friend Arya B Nair (29) paints a sombre picture of the depths to which superstition can lead, even in the face of education and modernity. In a world where the worship of Satan persists alongside belief in black magic, their tragic end serves as a chilling reminder of the allure of otherworldly promises. As qualified Ayurvedic doctors and a high school teacher, one would expect........

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