The one reason Trump won that Democrats cannot admit

Former DNC chair Wasserman Schultz claimed during an interview on CNN that the presidential election was not a "wave" election for Republicans.

Democrats and their media enablers are trying to make sense of last Tuesday’s election – the biggest shift to the right since Ronald Reagan became president in 1980 – searching for where they went wrong. The good news for the GOP is that they haven’t got a clue.

The main disconnect is that they fail to acknowledge that tens of millions of Americans actually like Donald Trump; many even love him. Democrats are so blinded by hatred (there’s a reason that Republicans have coined the TDS label) they literally cannot fathom that Trump is personally popular. The reasons for that affection in a moment, but first it is worthwhile (and, frankly, fun) to explore the self-flagellation and circular firing squads taking place on the Left.

Many Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, are blaming Joe Biden for not dropping out sooner. Others have dared suggest that Kamala Harris ran a lousy billion-dollar campaign by, for example, declining Joe Rogan’s podcast invitation which might have upped her performance among men. (Donald Trump’s free-flowing three-hour conversation with Rogan was watched by 47 million people; as Trump cheekily pointed out in a post offering to help Harris pay off her campaign debts, he got plenty of "Earned Media" which "doesn’t cost very much.")

Bernie Sanders is rightly blaming his colleagues for forgetting their roots, saying "It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working-class people would find that the working class has abandoned them." Yes, when you vow to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to pay off student loans, and only 34% of Americans are college graduates who........

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