Sanctuary City Democrats resist Trump deportation plan at their peril

Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., previews President-elect Donald Trump's border plans and says he will 'get the job done' on 'Fox Report.'

President-elect Donald Trump is offering to bail out failing Democrat governors and mayors by deporting migrants who are in the country illegally. Stupidly, Denver Mayor Mike Johnston and California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom, among others, are refusing his help.

Cities like Denver and states like California are spending fortunes caring for the estimated ten million people who have entered the U.S. illegally on Joe Biden’s watch. Tax hikes and cuts to essential services are balancing their swollen budgets. A majority of the country, including 25% of Democrats, favors mass deportations. But leftist leaders promise to resist the effort; they are not reading the room.

A new study shows Denver has spent $356 million so far to house and feed migrants. Next, eight percent of its 2025 budget will go to caring for the 45,000 undocumented immigrants in that city. No wonder Mayor Johnston has proposed spending cuts for his city’s police and fire departments.


Johnston greeted Trump’s re-election with a bold promise to rally his city’s cops – and citizens -- to bodily block ICE deportation efforts. "More than us having DPD stationed at the county line to keep them out, you would have 50,000 Denverites there," Mayor Mike boasted in an interview. "It’s like the Tiananmen Square moment with the rose and the gun, right? You’d have every one of those Highland moms who came out for the migrants. And you do not want to mess with them."

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