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1. Over the weekend, former U.S. President Donald Trump seemed to suggest he would do what if he were reelected and Russia invaded a NATO member country?

Fully fund NATO military operations

Let it happen and encourage it

Nuke Russia

Force Russia out of the U.N. Security Council

Trump is currently the front-runner for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. His comments confirmed European leaders’ fears that the United States may no longer be a reliable security guarantor, FP’s Jack Detsch and Amy Mackinnon report.

2. According to official results published on Sunday, which political group won the most seats in Pakistan’s Feb. 8 parliamentary elections?

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz

Pakistan People’s Party

Independents affiliated with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party

Candidates linked to the party of former Prime Minister Imran Khan were forced to run as independents after the party was banned from the ballot. Their unexpected triumph represents a break with history, Omar Waraich argues.

3. Why did protesters gather in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on Monday?

To call for an end to insecurity in eastern Congo

To demand an end to spiraling inflation

To call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza

To order an immediate closure of the border with Rwanda

The protesters also burned U.S. and Belgian flags, as well as tires, in front of Western embassies, demanding an end to the Western military presence in the country, FP’s Nosmot Gbadamosi writes in Africa Brief.

4. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on Tuesday said she wants to make it easier to track what aspect of right-wing extremist organizations in the country?

Their membership numbers

Their financing

Their social media accounts and posts

Their public gatherings

The comments reflect concern over the rising popularity of Germany’s far right—a movement that has long been active in the city of Dresden, Emily Schultheis reports.

5. Who won Indonesia’s presidential election on Wednesday?

Independent Anies Baswedan

Nationalist Ganjar Pranowo

Right-wing populist Prabowo Subianto

Incumbent President Joko Widodo

Prabowo has connections to the country’s old dictatorship. That has some observers concerned that Indonesia’s already-strained democracy might take further steps back, Joseph Rachman writes from Jakarta.

6. Which European nation on Wednesday announced its intent to join a military coalition to supply drones to Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia?

The Netherlands




Meanwhile, dysfunctional congressional politics has kept the United States from delivering more aid to Ukraine, FP’s Edward Alden writes.

7. Argentina’s national statistics bureau on Wednesday announced that consumer prices had increased by how much year on year?

97 percent

165 percent

210 percent

254 percent

Argentine President Javier Milei’s radical economic reforms are being carried out largely through emergency decree—which could lead Milei to flex more authoritarian muscles in the future, Jeremiah Johnson warns.

8. Israeli forces stormed which hospital in southern Gaza on Thursday?

Subha Harazin Hospital

Mubarak Hospital

Nasser Hospital

Rafah Central Hospital

The spokesperson for the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry said the hospital is facing a “dangerous and worrying” situation, FP’s Alexandra Sharp reports in World Brief.

9. Which team won the National Football League’s Super Bowl championship game on Sunday?

San Francisco 49ers

Baltimore Ravens

Kansas City Chiefs

New England Patriots

The victory is Kansas City’s second in two years and third in the past five, cementing the squad as one of the NFL’s preeminent dynasties, ESPN writes.

10. A cat owner in the U.S. state of Oregon likely contracted which disease from their fluffy pet earlier this month?

Bubonic plague



Lyme disease

This is the state’s first case since 2015 of the disease, which caused the Black Death in medieval Europe, the Guardian reports.

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What in the World?

What in the World?

Have feedback? Email [email protected] to let me know your thoughts.

1. Over the weekend, former U.S. President Donald Trump seemed to suggest he would do what if he were reelected and Russia invaded a NATO member country?

Fully fund NATO military operations

Let it happen and encourage it

Nuke Russia

Force Russia out of the U.N. Security Council

Trump is currently the front-runner for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. His comments confirmed European leaders’ fears that the United States may no longer be a reliable security guarantor, FP’s Jack Detsch and Amy Mackinnon report.

2. According to official results published on Sunday, which political group won the most seats in Pakistan’s Feb. 8 parliamentary elections?

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz

Pakistan People’s Party

Independents affiliated with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party

Candidates linked to the party of former Prime Minister Imran Khan were forced to run as independents after the party was banned from the ballot. Their unexpected triumph represents a break with history, Omar Waraich argues.

3. Why did protesters gather in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of........

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