Try This Guide To Design A Satisfying And Happy Retirement

Design the life you want in retirement.

The whole point of retirement is to improve your life—at least, that’s the case for most people. However, many people assume that if they stop working, their life will somehow magically be better.

While not working does give you time and energy to pursue your goals and interests, you’ll need to do more work to design a life that can help you be fulfilled and happy in your retirement years.

To help you design the life you want in retirement, ask yourself five probing questions: the who, what, where, when and why. Let’s take a look.

Think about who you want to spend the rest of your life with. Of course, that likely includes family and friends whose company you enjoy and who provide you with emotional and logistical support. Answering this question might help you decide where you want to be in retirement, as you may choose to live geographically closer to the people you’d like to spend more time with.

You might also have long-lost family and friends you haven’t seen for a while. If you do, make a list and vow to reconnect with them. Or maybe you’re open to making new friends. If so, think about pursuing interests and........

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