BIGGER PICTURE: Pay what you can

PWYC, which is short for “pay what you can,” has become a non-profit business model that does not depend on set prices to sell its goods. Instead, customers are asked to pay what they can. A price is suggested for a meal, but when others pay more or donate money, it allows not only for someone else to eat but to purchase supplies for future meals.

“Pay what you want” is sometimes used interchangeably, but “pay what you can” is usually intended more for charity or socially oriented uses, and based more on ability to pay, while “pay what you want” is often more broadly oriented to perceived value in combination with willingness and ability to pay.

So many people are paying forward to help others these days, and that is a very good thing because the business model can’t succeed without full-paying customers, in addition to volunteers to help run things. Also, food and other product donations are instrumental to future success.

What is the relevance of all this to the Finger Lakes? Well the Geneva Community Kitchen opened in May at 143 Wadsworth St., a few doors........

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