(Ed. note: This is the second in a two-part series.)

In part one of this two-parter, I outlined some of the measures The Heritage Foundation has planned for Donald Trump to institute should he come into power in November.

Here’s a few others that’ll curl your hair.

Roger Severino, one of the Foundation’s vice presidents, says the Food and Drug Administration is morally and legally bound to withdraw the approval of the chemical abortion pill Mifepristone. Never mind that it’s very safe and effective. Gene Hamilton writes in the Foundation’s Department of Justice section that the Comstock Act of 1870, which bans anything that could be used for abortion from going through the U.S. mail, should be enforced immediately.

I’ve often wondered what old, rich, white men have against women.

Well, and the LGBTQ+ community. Because they’re going to be taking a beating.

Mr. Severino, who not only disapproves of women’s right to choose but manages to multi-task and simultaneously hate the gay community as well, calls for rescinding any protections they had whatsoever.

So, if all goes well for these folks come November, you will be able to be fired for being anything other than heterosexual.

If all of this weren’t enough, the final straw is next.

The 22nd Amendment states that “no one shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice.”

However, contributors to Project 2025 are already laying out a plan to eliminate the 22nd Amendment. And, with the Supreme Court being as it is, it’s not a stretch to see how they could interpret this in Trump’s favor.

Roe v. Wade anyone?

Liz Cheney stated last year that if Trump is elected this time, he will never leave office. Ever.

Part of Project 2025’s plan is to dismantle the FBI and the Department of Homeland security. This is crucial to repealing the 22nd Amendment.

How? In the past several decades those two agencies have prevented over 50 terrorist attacks, many of which would have had high-value losses.

With those two agencies gone, there would be holes in our intelligence-gathering and defensive capabilities, making the U.S. ripe for attack by any number of terrorist groups.

And all it would take would be one or two high-casualty events to have the citizens scared and ignoring such trifles as whether the guy who is now in charge was elected three or four times, as long as he promises to make them safe somehow.

It actually makes sense when you think about it for a bit.

The examples I’ve given are what I would call the “highlights” of Project 2025, although not the only causes for concern. Tucked away in those 900 pages of what can only be called anti-American idealism are plans to gut the EPA, make Christianity our national religion by having Christ-ordained civil magistrates, and relaxing pollution regulations.

If I had read this on the dark web I would have chalked it up to crackpots with tinfoil hats. But it wasn’t written by a bunch of deranged folks, was it? Nope, it was written by wealthy white men with a lot of political clout that can’t wait to get their hands on the keys to America and drive it right into the ground.

The question is, are you going to hand them the keys come November?

Pete Mitchell’s “In America” column appears every other Tuesday. He lives in Geneva. Contact him at peteinamerica@yahoo.com.

IN AMERICA: Project 2025 (Part II)

IN AMERICA: Project 2025 (Part II)

(Ed. note: This is the second in a two-part series.)

In part one of this two-parter, I outlined some of the measures The Heritage Foundation has planned for Donald Trump to institute should he come into power in November.

Here’s a few others that’ll curl your hair.

Roger Severino, one of the Foundation’s vice presidents, says the Food and Drug Administration is morally and legally bound to withdraw the approval of the chemical abortion pill Mifepristone. Never mind that it’s very safe and effective. Gene Hamilton writes in the Foundation’s Department of Justice section that the Comstock Act of 1870, which bans anything that could be used for abortion from going through the U.S. mail, should be enforced immediately.

I’ve often wondered what old, rich, white men have against women.

Well, and the LGBTQ community.........

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