The Tale Of Two Indias – OpEd
Despite growing unemployment and a significant increase in the number of billionaires, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have won a third term in government. While the government trumpets about its economic achievements, growing wealth disparities and persistent unemployment put doubt on Modi’s narrative of broad prosperity.
In a nation of stark differences, Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest billionaire recently hosted a lavish pre-wedding spectacle that gained widespread notice. The event, which allegedly cost $150 million and included a performance by worldwide pop star Rihanna, highlights India’s elite’s luxurious lifestyle. Mumbai, Ambani’s hometown, has eclipsed Beijing as Asia’s “billionaire capital,” representing what many regard as economic success under Modi’s leadership. However, this gleaming façade conceals deeper concerns. While the percentage of billionaires has increased, the advantages of........
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