The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that we’ve become a very materialistic society over the last 200 years, and the world has populated from 1 to 8 billion because of more than 6,000 useful products and different fuels for planes, ships, trucks, cars, military, and the space program made from crude oil that did not exist before the 1800s.

Crude oil is the current foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet.

Until a crude oil replacement is identified that can support making more than 6,000 products in today’s society, the world cannot do without crude oil, which is the basis of our materialistic “products” society.

Without crude oil, there are several conundrums that the 8 billion on this planet would need to adjust to:

In the event world leaders wish to continue their efforts to have the 8 billion currently on this planet live without fossil fuels, here is an introductory preliminary A-Z list of Products that Wind and Solar Renewables CANNOT manufacture for Humanity.

Wind and solar do different things than crude oil, as wind and solar only generate occasional electricity, but wind turbines and solar panels CANNOT make any products for humanity.

So, before we jump out of the airplane without a parachute and revert to the pre-1800s, let’s identify the backup “source” that can continue to support the making of more than 6,000 products and the various fuels for our materialistic society of the 8 billion on this planet that are now based on crude oil.

Please share this information with your friends to further enhance conversations about Energy Literacy, as Breezes and Sunshine cannot manufacture anything. Electricity CANNOT exist without crude oil!

Planes, Trains And Automobiles Will Cease To Exist If Climate Fanatics Have Their Way With Our Energy – OpEd

Planes, Trains And Automobiles Will Cease To Exist If Climate Fanatics Have Their Way With Our Energy – OpEd

The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that we’ve become a very materialistic society over the last 200 years, and the world has populated from 1 to 8 billion because of more than 6,000 useful products and different fuels for planes, ships, trucks, cars, military, and the space program made from crude oil that did not exist before the 1800s.

Crude oil is the current foundation of our materialistic........

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