Wanting To Keep Russia In One Piece Not The Same Thing As Wanting To Keep Putin In Power – OpEd

There are legitimate reasons for believing that the Russian Federation should come apart but there are also legitimate reasons for believing that it would be better for it to remain in one piece, Vladimir Pastukhov says. But there is one aspect of this debate that is not legitimate.

And that is this, the London-based Russian analyst says. Far from all those who believe Russia should remain in one piece want Putin to remain in power (t.me/v_pastukhov/1248 reposted at echofm.online/opinions/stremlenie-sohranit-rossiyu-ne-tozhdestvenno-stremleniyu-sohranit-putinskij-rezhim).

The debate between those who favor disintegration and those who oppose it has reached “the boiling........

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