Kremlin Arrests Aleksandr Skobov, A Russian Who Has Exposed Dangers Putin Represents To World – OpEd

It is sadly no surprise that the Kremlin has now arrested Aleksandr Skobov, a dissident in Soviet times and a dissident in post-Soviet ones, because unlike almost anyone else, he has consistently opposed what Putin and his ilk have done and pointed out the challenges that the Kremlin leader poses not only to his country but to the world.

From the beginning of his public life, Skobov recognized that the Moscow empire is today’s Carthage and must be destroyed and warned against those in Russia and even more those in Western countries who have failed to recognize just how dangerous Putin is and how critically important it is for the world to unite against him.

Undoubtedly for that reason, Putin’s newest political prisoner has not received the attention and praise that other Russian opposition figures have, figures who were late in condemning what Putin has done but fled when it became too dangerous and who did not challenge the West for its failures to confront him.

It is unlikely that Putin and his jailors will ever allow Skobov to escape from their jails; but one can hope that in being willing to take the positions he has, the Soviet-Russian dissident will attract even more attention to his ideas and convince both Russians and Western leaders of the need to act upon them.

Both to further that cause and to call attention to why Skobov has been and will continue to be a guide for all people of good will when it comes to dealing with the criminal in the Kremlin, this writer wants to some of the articles about his ideas that have appeared in Window on Eurasia since Putin launched his expanded invasion of Ukraine in February 2022:

· Putinism Now an Existential Threat to West Just as Barbarians were to Rome and Could Succeed as They Did Unless West Responds Adequately, Skobov Says

· Putin is the New Hitler and the Only Way to Stop Him is the Way the Old Hitler Was, Skobov Says

· Putin’s Invasion of........

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