India’s Prime Minister Modi spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin on 20th March 2024, followed by a telephonic conversation with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. During the conversation with Putin, the PM reiterated “Dialogue and Diplomacy as the way forward” in Russia-Ukraine conflict.
While discussing the ongoing conflict with Zelenskyy, Modi reiterated India’s people-centric approach and again stressed on the need for dialogue. Presidents of Russia and Ukraine have both invited Prime Minister Modi to their respective nations upon the conclusion of the General Election here, official sources said. They said both leaders viewed PM Modi as a peacemaker.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi chairing the last G20 had said; “This is the time for peace and brotherhood, a time to move together. This is a time for growth and well-being of all. We have to overcome the global trust crisis and move forward with human-centric thinking. We have to look at the world in the spirit of One Earth, One Family, One Future.”
The PM’s call comes at a time when the conflict in Ukraine seems poised to take a dangerous turn, after France said it would send soldiers to fight against the Russian forces. The speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament warned French President Emmanuel Macron against sending troops to Ukraine, saying they would meet the same fate as Napoleon’s army. “Before making such statements, Macron would do well to remember how it ended for Napoleon and his soldiers, more than 600,000 of whom were left lying in the damp earth,” Volodin said, referring to the disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812. Putin said the West has “announced the possibility of sending Western military contingents to Ukraine and the consequences for possible interventionists will be way more tragic. President Vladimir Putin has “threatened to use nuclear weapons”........