It’s Time To Answer The Phone And Exaggerate The Truth – OpEd
By Larry Beck
Demographics are a challenge. I am an old guy who still has a landline and a television that isn’t smart at all. I do have a cellphone that I know how to turn on and off but only answer when I can figure out how to do so quickly enough. I always answer my landline when I am home. I don’t stream anything, but I do fish in streams in places that don’t have cellphone service. You get the idea — a neo-Luddite in waders. Also, I have never received a phone call from anyone on any line asking me if I support Joe Biden or Donald Trump, believe that Biden is actually president or believe that Trump is a dangerous grifter.
I wish someone would call me, because I would tell them in no certain terms that some old people would make fine presidents and others would be disasters. I surely don’t support a portion of what Biden seems to support, particularly with respect to international issues. However, I just as surely believe that he is capable of doing the fundamental job of being president of the United States — digesting written and recorded material and then listening to trusted advisors as they provide the information and counsel necessary to make critical domestic and international policy decisions. Biden has been doing this for the past three-plus years, and the nation is the better for it.
On the other hand, though I am old enough to know that my mind may not always remember your name, it is surely sharp enough to know that Trump is one of the two or three worst presidents that the United States has ever seen. And I can still tell that he is a rampant narcissist, that he lies without conscience or concern and that he should have been relegated to institutional walls of shame throughout the nation long ago — not to mention outfitted with a prison........
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