This Looming Regulatory Change Is Endangering Your Entrepreneurial Livelihood. Here's What You Can Do About It.

Attention, franchise owners, solopreneurs and independent contractors: It's time to call your lawmakers and insist on their vote to protect the way you earn a living.

Why? Because federal agencies are attempting regulatory workarounds to implement policies that Congress refused to enact — policies that threaten the right of franchises and independent contractors to continue operating our businesses as we do today.

Related: The NLRB's Joint Employer Rule Faces a Barrage of Challenges, Fueling a High-Stakes Battle Over the Future of Franchising

The background you need to know starts with a bill that moderate Democrats in the U.S. Senate joined with Republicans to block. That bill was called the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, and it contained language so dangerous for franchise owners and solopreneurs that Entrepreneur published its........

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