From the sublime to the ridiculous, America invents. From the airplane to Jell-O, and in between, we somehow understand intuitively what people want and figure out how to get it to them. That's put us in a position to lead the transformation of the marketplace many times, most recently by our rapid adoption of e-commerce.

It's time we did it again by applying that same innovative spirit to blockchain. Instead, we're hesitating. This may be out of fear of the unknown, but that's easy to fix. Blockchain isn't complicated and shouldn't be scary. At its core, it is a peer-to-peer communication technology that could revolutionize global financial transactions, especially those crossing international borders.

The quicker we adopt it, the faster we get to a more streamlined and efficient future. That's in everybody's interest. The value of money continually fluctuates. Digital networks must operate quickly for estimates of value at the time of purchase to be accurately preserved. The faster they move, the more precise, secure, and transparent those valuations can be.

This has been true for a while. In a December 2022........

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