Braid: To build pipelines, Carney will have to suspend long-held climate views The incoming prime minister says he's now onside with building pipelines. Can he be believed? |
The incoming prime minister says he's now onside with building pipelines. Can he be believed?
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It was entertaining to watch Liberals cheer wildly for everything they’ve done, in the person of Justin Trudeau, and then go equally bonkers over the leadership victory of Mark Carney, who offers the opposite.
It’s all about Liberal power and defeating Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives — with an agenda that sounds suspiciously conservative.
Carney now rejects the consumer carbon tax and will get rid of the current version.
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He also opposes the capital gains tax hike offered by the unlamented Chrystia Freeland as a wealth transfer from the rich, grasping elderly to the poor, oppressed young.
Mostly, though, Carney is on board with the new zeal for pipelines and energy development. From Alberta Premier Danielle Smith to Poilievre himself, no economic policy is more conservative than that.
Even former prime minister Jean Chretien called for pipelines in his speech to the Liberal crowd.
New Democrats are suddenly mad about them. To hear B.C. Premier David Eby, you’d think pipelines are........