Officers from Suffolk police were called just before 8.10am on Saturday, March 30 to reports of a single vehicle crash on the northbound carriageway.

A white Vauxhall Corsa went off the road to the nearside, over the grass bank and between some trees, before turning on its side and bursting into flames.

The driver and passenger managed to evacuate the vehicle and both sustained injuries, with the passenger taken to hospital having sustained a potentially life-changing injury.

A spokesman for the East of England Ambulance Service said: "An adult man and woman were transported to West Suffolk Hospital for further assessment and treatment, the former with a leg injury and the latter with minor injures.

"An ambulance, ambulance officer vehicle and the East Anglian Air Ambulance were sent to the scene."

Fire crews were also at the incident and lane one of the road remained closed until 12.40pm.

Officers are appealing for any witnesses to the collision and are asking any motorists driving in the area at the time of the incident with a dashcam fitted in their vehicle to review the footage.

Anyone with information should contact Suffolk police, quoting reference number 37/17498/24.

Passenger left with life-changing injury after car burst into flames

Passenger left with life-changing injury after car burst into flames

Officers from Suffolk police were called just before 8.10am on Saturday, March 30 to reports of a single vehicle crash on the northbound carriageway.

A white Vauxhall Corsa went off the road to the nearside, over the grass bank and between some trees, before turning on its side and bursting into........

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