For it to dig a second in the wrong spot starts to look a little like carelessness.
Ormesby and Scratby Parish Council has admitted a second grave error at Ormesby St Margaret graveyard, which it runs.
The council said that a plot was dug in the wrong place, taking up a space that had already been reserved by a still-living villager.
Unlike on the previous occasion, however, the situation has been resolved without the need for an exhumation.
Ormesby St Margaret. (Image: Denise Bradley)
A similar incident, in 2022, led to a man's body being dug up 13 days after his funeral and reburied elsewhere due to a blunder which saw him interred in the wrong plot.
The latest mistake was revealed after an anonymous Facebook user, calling themselves a 'whistleblower', posted details about it in online community groups.
This led to a flurry of rumours spreading on social media, prompting the council to insist it had "no intention of digging up bodies" - this time around.
Satirical posts have appeared on an Ormesby village group on Facebook (Image: Facebook)
It said it had resolved the situation by explaining it to the person who had........