The story behind Norfolk's award-winning cheesemaker

Please tell us about your background in the food and drink industry...

I was born on a farm, so I learned how to process milk into butter and cheese and yoghurt with Mother and Grandma. Later, I went on to study pharmacy, which 45 years ago required careful preparation of many forms of medicines from IV drips to creams and things which don't get used any more like rice paper cachous, often under sterile conditions. It was a great grounding for safe food production.

What led you to start making cheese?

We returned to my husband's family farm and found that it was not working economically. I decided to add to farm income by processing milk. Others in Norfolk were already bottling milk, making yoghurt and ice cream., but no one was producing cheese. So I got a library book and some milk and had a go. I investigated how to do it in accordance with the law, North Norfolk District Council was very helpful.My big breakthrough was meeting other friendly people at a Specialist Cheesemakers Association event - people from those early days remain great friends. My husband helped me to build my first cheese-room using secondhand equipment in a refrigerated lorry.

We took our first efforts to Fakenham Farmers' Market and people snapped them up.

What cheeses do you make and what are their characteristics?

We use pasteurised cow's milk from our Brown Swiss cows.

We make........

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