Donovan Goodman, 49, reviewed his home CCTV footage last Friday after finding his online order missing, despite being told it had been delivered to his Field Acre Way property in Long Stratton.

He was shocked to see a man running away with his box, who was driving a distinctive blue van with lettering on the side which included a business name and telephone number.

Donovan discovered someone had stolen his package by looking at his home CCTV footage (Image: Donovan Goodman)

Mr Goodman, a financial adviser, said: "The value of the items in the package was only £25 but I've previously had lots of valuable parcels delivered and left in plain view.

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"Most recently, in March, I ordered a necklace and earrings for my wife as part of her birthday present worth around £120."

The man who stole the package was driving a distinctive blue van (Image: Donovan Goodman)

Mr Goodman has since had a replacement product issued, which he owes to the courier's insurance policy, but is concerned about repeat incidents and warns his neighbours to "be on the alert" for the van.

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He added: "I guess the vendors are responsible and have to claim back from the couriers but it doesn't remove the hassle suffered by the buyer to try and arrange a replacement.

"I have since heard from couriers that it's not uncommon for them to be followed and parcels removed after they have just delivered them."

Police have confirmed that enquiries are ongoing.

Warning about roaming 'porch pirate' after parcel stolen from doorstep

Warning about roaming 'porch pirate' after parcel stolen from doorstep

Donovan Goodman, 49, reviewed his home CCTV footage last Friday after finding his online order missing, despite being told it had been delivered to his Field Acre Way property in Long Stratton.

He was shocked to see a man running away with his box, who was driving a distinctive blue van with lettering on the side which included a business name and telephone number.

Donovan discovered someone had stolen his........

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