The 41 bus departed St Stephen Street in Norwich and was heading towards Bungay and the attack happened as the bus was passing through the village of Brooke.

The assault happened at 5.55pm on Monday.

Witnesses onboard said that the attack was because the victim of the assault had approached a female passenger who did not want to speak with him, and he made her feel uncomfortable.

A man then stormed over and confronted him, the pair then got into a verbal argument, before the man repeatedly punched the other in the head.

The attacker then went and sat on the ground floor of the double-decker bus to wait for the man to get off at the next stop.

Another woman then gave the victim a tissue to wipe the blood from his busted nose and face and his eyes were swollen.

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One witness, a woman in her 20s, said: "The attack was brutal but the man deserved it, it is not fair for creepy guys to harass women on buses, it happens all the time.

"That man has sat near me on this bus before and been weird, tried to talk to me, I don't understand why he doesn't sit down anywhere else and mind his own business."

The 41 bus which heads to Bungay (pictured right) on St Stephens Street, Norwich (Image: Denise Bradley)

A 23-year-old man said: "I was just sitting forward and blissfully listening to my music in a bit of a daydream when a girl nudged me to turn around.

"I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I turned around and saw a man getting pummelled repeatedly in the face.

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"The attacker then went and sat downstairs and the victim appeared to be clean out and slumped on the chair, it was shocking to see.

"A woman assisted him to clean the blood from his face when I was told the fight kicked off as the man had approached a woman and made her feel uncomfortable."

First Bus declined to comment and Norfolk police said that the incident had not been reported to them.

Passengers left stunned over 'brutal' assault on bus after man 'harasses' woman

Passengers left stunned over 'brutal' assault on bus after man 'harasses' woman

The 41 bus departed St Stephen Street in Norwich and was heading towards Bungay and the attack happened as the bus was passing through the village of Brooke.

The assault happened at 5.55pm on Monday.

Witnesses onboard said that the attack was because the victim of the assault had approached a female passenger who did not want to speak with him, and he made her feel uncomfortable.

A man then stormed over and confronted him, the pair then got into a verbal argument, before the man repeatedly punched the other in the........

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