Ukrainians say it's time for peace negotiations with Russia

There is increasing talk of peace negotiations with Russia in Ukraine. So far, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has always rejected any possible agreements with Russia's current leadership and even issued a decree ruling out talks with President Vladimir Putin. But the situation could be changing. Zelenskyy has even said that Russian representatives should attend the second "peace summit" that Ukraine plans to hold in November.

According to a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center, a Ukrainian think tank, on behalf of the Ukrainian online newspaper Dzerkalo Tyzhnia (, 44% of Ukrainians in areas behind the frontline believe that it is time to start official talks between Kyiv and Moscow; 35% believe that there is no reason to start peace talks and 21% are undecided.

The findings also show that Ukrainians are categorically opposed to Ukraine accepting and fulfilling Putin's recently set conditions to end the war. Almost 83% of respondents reject the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from parts of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions not controlled by Russia, and around 84% are against ceding these territories to Russia. In addition, 77% are against lifting all Western sanctions against........

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