MUSLIM-majority societies in general, and South Asian Muslim societies in particular, face numerous conflicting issues with regard to everyday life. These admittedly are very complex problems, which do not lend themselves to easy solutions. This article will focus on what the writer thinks is a major issue and its possible solutions. This issue may be seen as the vast difference between the words we profess (ideals), and the works or actions we demonstrate (realities) in daily life.
Muslim-majority societies are quite proud of having a great religion, great people, a great culture, a great ethical system, etc. Indeed, we may be great in many ways, as we claim. Nonetheless, what needs to be noted is that a nation or a community becomes great not necessarily by claiming greatness, but through evidence on the ground. No society is perfect; that is a given. But what is not a given is the huge difference between our words and actions.
In so many surveys, we always stand near the bottom — whether it is corruption, security of life, respect for human rights, or religious freedom. Despite our claims to greatness, in our daily lives — on the streets, in our offices — we tend to show less than ideal........