DELULU is the solulu
Origin: Gen Z fans
Meaning: The latest version of ‘fake it till you make it’ or being delusional is the solution
Current location: In the minds of the boomers and Gen X ruling the roost in the land of the pure
Over the weekend, a university professor in Karachi was picked up for some hours after he tweeted about the pressure on the university syndicate which was faced with a case about a student’s degree.
It may seem like a small, local issue, but it was not. Students, degrees and university administrations are hardly out of the routine. But as the professor spent hours at one police station and then another while his wife, colleagues and others tweeted up a storm of protest, those of us who were following it on X just couldn’t look away.
And not just because of the professor’s incarceration but because of who the ‘student’ he tweeted about was. A judge of the high court; the same high court, by the way, the judges of which had complained in a letter about being harassed.
And since then, it seems there is no end to the skeletons in their closet so much so that cases about their ‘misconduct’ have reached the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC). One of them had a fake degree and another dual nationality. And while the SJC slept on, the university where he studied was alerted to his ‘fake’ degree, after decades of his practice as a lawyer and years........