Consumers brace for Rs1.90 quarterly hike in tariff

ISLAMABAD: While completing the process for Rs1.90 per unit additional quarterly tariff adjustment in electricity rates across the country, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) censured all the power companies on Monday for discouraging solar net metering to consumers.

At a public hearing presided over by Nepra Chairman Waseem Mukhtar, the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) — the commercial agent of the power companies — demanded about Rs46.8 billion in additional recoveries from consumers of ex-Wapda distribution companies (Discos) for electricity they consumed in the last quarter (April-June) of 2023-24.

The proposed Rs1.90 per unit additional quarterly tariff adjustment (QTA) would be charged to consumers from September to November across the country, including Karachi, facilitating power........

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