As a caregiver for my mother Hope who has early stage Alzheimer's disease, diagnosed two years ago, I was glad to join Alzheimer’s Association volunteers from across the state recently in Albany to advocate for increased funding for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver Assistance Program, or AlzCAP, which has been a lifeline for me.

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it is an overwhelming task for their caregivers to understand the disease and make plans for action. AlzCAP services provided me the needed education and resources, including multiple person-to-person and virtual touchpoints.

In New York, 546,000 family caregivers like me provide care worth over $19 billion annually to their loved ones with dementia. Despite our significant contributions and savings to the state, many caregivers lack adequate support. Funding for AlzCAP has remained stagnant for years. New York State allocates a mere $5 million towards AlzCAP — an amount that falls woefully short of what is necessary to combat this devastating disease effectively in a state as big and diverse as ours.

Taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s is financially and emotionally taxing. AlzCAP provides essential services like 1:1 care planning, support groups, and educational programs, which are vital for those confronting this disease. For many caregivers, these services are the only support they can access.

New York can do better. Please join me in calling on state Sen. Bill Weber and Assemblyman Karl Brabenac and the other members of the NYS Legislature to increase funding for AlzCAP from $5 million to $7 million.

David Hendler lives in Suffern and is a board member of the Alzheimer's Association, Hudson Valley Chapter.

We urgently call for increased Alzheimer's funding in New York State

We urgently call for increased Alzheimer's funding in New York State

As a caregiver for my mother Hope who has early stage Alzheimer's disease, diagnosed two years ago, I was glad to join Alzheimer’s Association volunteers from across the state recently in Albany to advocate for increased funding for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver Assistance Program, or AlzCAP, which has been a lifeline for me.

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it is an overwhelming task for their caregivers to........

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