Ready? Your garden's magic will soon reveal itself

The first sasanqua camellias are in bloom! One white bush and one red bush just below the chook house, where they get a bit of chook manure run off every time the rain comes in torrents, and so bloom bigger and longer than any other bush in the garden.


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Some time back in the '60s there was an international gardeners' frenzy over an elderly Japanese market gardener who grew enormous vegetables with no feeding or watering for over 50 years. Finally, some scientists investigated. They decided he was truthful. They also discovered his market garden was just down the hill from a large chicken farm, and the surplus water plus manure slowly seeped into his garden, giving it all it needed.

Never waste an area below a chook house with its lushness and free fertiliser, and camellias are the perfect plant to take advantage of the free tucker.

Camellias are possibly the dullest bush you can find, except for those glorious months when they are blooming while the deciduous trees above them are bare. This is the time for plants that have been dull or have disappeared all year to show their magic.

I've come to love acanthus not just for their white spires from........

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