As an expert (self-proclaimed) in the female heterosexual gaze, I took note of the trend of the “hot rodent man.” Does this mean you’re attracted to the friendly mascot from Orkin Exterminator Co.? Maybe you do, maybe he’s tremendous, but no, “hot rodent man” refers to what is essentially the male equivalent of jolie laide, or ugly-pretty, even if the initial New York Times discussion on the topic says it is something else.
imagine being at the peak of your career and the New York Times is asking why you look like a fuckin rat bc everyone took a meme too seriously
These are men who do not look like Ken dolls, but who are not (to use another typically gendered-female term, of rodent origin) mousey. It’s dark hair and pale skin—assuming white or otherwise light-skinned men—rather than blond hair and a tan. It’s apparently a whole thing online among the young people, enough so that the less-young are now taking note.
Now, the crucial angle: What does this mean for the Jewish community?
Very possibly, nothing at all. A certain type of hipster is having a moment. Some of these men are Jewish. Most are not, and most Jewish men are not that type. But we in Jewish media are if nothing else trained at finding the Jewish angle on........