Doorstep Postings: Struggling to make sense of the bizarra backlash against Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks

This is a special edition of Doorstep Postings, the periodic political commentary column written by Josh Lieblein for The CJN.

What a farce. Parliament debates a published motion all day and then at the 11th hour, the Libs and NDP cook up a totally new motion. They don't even have the amendments in French. MPs are going ballistic that their privileges have been infringed – and they're right.

If there are to be any protests outside Anthony Housefather, Ben Carr, or Rachel Bendayan’s offices after Monday’s watered-down, non-binding motion about Palestine, they won’t be of the pro-Israel variety.

There will be no honking trucks from Rebel News, no online-only cries to “fire” this or that MP, and no questions asking whether the Canadian Jewish Political Action Committee will be organizing canvasses against them (as opposed to, God forbid, community members finding out who the opposing candidate is on their own and organizing the canvasses themselves).

Well, well. Kheffiyehs are now worn in the House of Commons. Matthew Green and the delightful Salma Zahid. Soon they'll be masking up just like their pro Hamas pals do when calling for the annihilation of Israel and murder of Jews in the streets of 🇨🇦

There will certainly be none of the above directed against any senior member of the Liberal cabinet. Nor any of the keffiyeh-wearing cosplaying NDP MPs who dreamed the thing up.

No one will criticize the Jewish community apparatchiks who waited until last Monday to start a campaign of calling MP offices after the other side had been doing the same for weeks—and, upon doing so, directed volunteers to........

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