By Rick Hayes ——Bio and Archives--January 8, 2024

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There exists an actual ilk of people worldwide who believe they deserve to rule the rest of the world's population. These individuals have no soul, but they do have plenty of power. With their authority and influence, they have brainwashed millions of people that right is wrong and wrong is right.

How else could otherwise clear-thinking, level-headed people want to defund and dissolve law enforcement?
Dissolve the nation's borders, allow men to compete against women in sports, and occupy the same locker rooms?

What provides the ultimate power to these extreme views is corrupt media. Outside of a few organizations, The United States does not have a legitimate, unbiased news source. And that's a gigantic problem for Americans.

The once-respected New York Times is a shell of itself; CNN is shamelessly open about its discrimination and hypocrisy. The Justice Department openly targets patriotic Americans, and activity that would send most criminals to jail for many years is seen as sound business practice if it is perpetrated by Democrat leftists.

We are truly in uncharted territory when it comes to lawlessness. Who could ever have predicted that what should have been the world's most guarded prisoner in the heart of New York City would be found dead without any real investigation or explanation? Or that Americans, with no criminal record, who peacefully entered the Nation's Capitol on January 6th, albeit ill-advised, found themselves facing many years behind bars while those agreeing with the Democrat Leftists torched police stations, city centers, and murdered innocent people and faced no consequences.

If left to pure choice, truth, and merit, Donald J. Trump would once again become the President of The United States. However, Hunter Biden is still a free man, Jeffrey Epstein allegedly hung himself, the border is wide open with no accountability, and millions of "extra" ballots are being printed for 2024.

We need more than vigilance for the upcoming 2024 election. We need a large peaceful movement to actively secure the next election or face dire consequences and a changed nation.

Rick Hayes lives in the epicenter of liberal land where reality and truth will never encounter a welcome mat.

An award-winning writer and photographer, with over twenty years of professional experience in both fields, Hayes started his journalism adventure after a successful, eye-opening career as a Banker in Wall Street. Although he spent his early work life surrounded by custom made shirts, expensive ties and the shiniest of shoes, Hayes was an accomplished singer, cutting a few records with a local band and appearing on one of the first cable shows.

Working for a weekly New York paper, in one of the most politically corrupt areas in the State, he began investing his time trying to understand the nature of corruption.

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There is what should happen, and then there is what could happen

There is what should happen, and then there is what could happen

By Rick Hayes ——Bio and Archives--January 8, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

There exists an actual ilk of people worldwide who believe they deserve to rule the rest of the world's population. These individuals have no soul, but they do have plenty of power. With their authority and influence, they have brainwashed millions of people that right is wrong and wrong is right.

How else could otherwise clear-thinking, level-headed people want to defund and dissolve law enforcement?
Dissolve the nation's borders, allow men to compete against women in sports, and occupy the same locker rooms?

What provides the ultimate power to these extreme views is corrupt media. Outside of a few organizations, The United States does not have a legitimate, unbiased news source. And........

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