By Rick Hayes ——Bio and Archives--April 1, 2024

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The March 25th murder of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller is at the top of the list of avoidable tragedies that are befalling New Yorkers on a routine basis. Still, it is a symptom of a more pernicious underlying disease called leftism.

When leftist Democrats expressed that it was okay to throw water on NYPD officers, that it was not a big deal, the crack in the dam was widened. It was only last month that two NYPD officers were kicked and beaten mercilessly while trying to arrest thugs on a crowded Manhattan street, and the perpetrators were let go after being briefly detained. And now, Officer Diller will never go home—godless leftist escalation on display.

In recent months, things have deteriorated to where women in New York City have been randomly assaulted on the streets, and it is becoming increasingly common to learn that another NYC subway rider has been ceremoniously tossed onto the subway tracks in front of an oncoming train.

Diller, who was married and had a one-year-old son, was killed by career thug Guy Rivera, who tallied 21 past arrests and benefitted from the current "defund the police, soft on crime" culture promoted by leftist Democrats in power. It reminds me of another insane push by leftists to allow incarcerated prisoners the right to vote. The objective was to offer no jail time or early release in exchange for votes. When that move failed, the plan changed to simply ignoring the law. Manhattan leftist District Attorney Alvin Bragg is a prime example of this behavior.

All across the country, Democrat-run cities are experiencing an increase in shoplifting, causing businesses to close. Law-abiding citizens are suffering from this leftist agenda by not only losing a needed neighborhood asset and paying more for their essential items but also having to wait while store owners retrieve keys to open up locked cabinets.

Because the mainstream media is an extension of the leftist Democrat party, they cannot and will not explain the absolute cause of the violent carnage, massive Fentanyl deaths, or homelessness in places like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.

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As if to say that looking south will allow you to see the North star, President Biden and the Democrat media have stated that the real danger the country should be focused on stems from white supremacists or the climate. The more their statements are disconnected from reality, the more the leftist media will promote it to hide the truth.

Recently, it was MSNBC's Jen Psaki and Rachel Maddow who belittled Virginia voters who were concerned about the southern border crisis. They mocked how Virginia was over 2,000 miles away from Mexico as if that had anything to do with the outrage of Virginians.

For decades, inner-city residents have consistently voted for Democrat leadership if Democrats keep the freebies flowing. This despite the higher-than-average murder rates, poor graduation statistics, and high homeless numbers. A bargain between a certain acceptable level of murders for money.

The truth many non-leftist inhabitants in Democrat-controlled cities must face is that there exists a perverted kind of unwritten understanding between low-income inner-city residents and Democrat leaders. It is a compromise inner-city residents have somehow agreed to between their safety and their family's safety and the free stuff offered by leftist Democrats.

And although the bloodbath is centered mainly inside the inner-cities, there has been a recent overflow into the suburbs which also impacts the inner-cities. There are residual negative results of Democrat policies plaguing middle-class residents, such as higher taxes, crumbling infrastructure, and declining quality-of-life issues.

With the compromise by inner-city residents allowing for higher crime rates and dead-end futures offered by Democrats, hard-working middle-class citizens are stuck. They are outnumbered and, therefore, cannot vote their way out of the horrific mess they find themselves in, which is why there is a wave of people fleeing Democrat-controlled cities. And when the middle class flees, the tax base shrinks, and life for inner-city residents becomes hell.

Establishing law and order and rescuing places like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., is now left in the hands of inner-city lower-income voters. Not only will the city benefit, but so will the lives of those in the inner city.

With inner-city schools consistently underperforming other schools and crime destroying all aspects of inner-city life, the downside of switching their vote is minimal compared to the expansive benefits. And more money is not the answer. Throwing more money at inner-city schools is like replacing windows on a sinking ship. The system needs to change where teacher performance and accountability are paramount.

Imagine better schools, better job opportunities, and safer streets, all because of new leadership that believes in law enforcement and real education. And all of these beautiful things are within reach...starting at the ballot box.

The challenge will be for dissatisfied Democratic voters, especially in the inner cities, to become genuine visionaries and revolutionaries, to risk bucking a failing system that has abused their trust and thus casting their vote for those in another party.

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How The Inner-City Can Spearhead A Positive Revolution.

How The Inner-City Can Spearhead A Positive Revolution.

By Rick Hayes ——Bio and Archives--April 1, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

The March 25th murder of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller is at the top of the list of avoidable tragedies that are befalling New Yorkers on a routine basis. Still, it is a symptom of a more pernicious underlying disease called leftism.

When leftist Democrats expressed that it was okay to throw water on NYPD officers, that it was not a big deal, the crack in the dam was widened. It was only last month that two NYPD officers were kicked and beaten mercilessly while trying to arrest thugs on a crowded Manhattan street, and the perpetrators were let go after being briefly detained. And now, Officer Diller will never go home—godless leftist escalation on display.

In recent months, things have deteriorated to where women in New York City have been randomly assaulted on the streets, and it is becoming increasingly common to learn that another NYC subway rider has been ceremoniously tossed onto the subway tracks in front of an oncoming train.

Diller, who was married and had a one-year-old son, was killed by career thug Guy Rivera, who tallied 21 past arrests and benefitted from the current "defund the police, soft on crime" culture promoted by leftist Democrats in power. It reminds me of another insane push by leftists to allow incarcerated prisoners the right to vote. The objective was to offer no jail time or early release in........

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