By Rick Hayes ——Bio and Archives--April 18, 2024

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Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will continue to be in charge of the wide-open, broken southern border that is killing thousands of Americans, not because Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer or the 51-member Democratic majority spat on the United States Constitution but because America is without a free and impartial media.

The Left has always wanted to destroy the U.S. Constitution, and on April 17, 2024, anti-American forces led by Schumer finally succeeded by simply ignoring the sacred document. Two hundred thirty-six years of a system that created the most remarkable nation history has ever seen vanished in one afternoon.

It is only possible that Conservatives are routinely sent to jail, but Democrats remain on the streets when the Media is biased and corrupt.

Democrats Hillary Clinton, IRS scandal champion Lois Lerner, Fast and Furious obstructor Eric Holder, and President Joe Biden should all be in jail serving long prison sentences, but only President Trump is currently in court defending himself against criminal charges that have never been filed against any other person in history.

Double standards exist because the leftist media wants them to exist. If a Democrat ignores a subpoena, nothing happens, but if a Conservative does the same thing, they are immediately carted off to jail, all with the blessings of the leftist media.

The corrupt, dishonest media is the true power behind the anti-American lawlessness that allows millions of illegal immigrants to cross the border, rape and murder American citizens. It hides inner-city coordinated theft and conceals the catastrophic damages brought about by defunding the police.

If not outright lying about the truth, the mainstream media twists and distorts the facts to destroy American Liberty, religious freedom, and freedom of speech. Only the liberal agenda has been able to be heard or published.

Dissolve the corporate-owned, Democrat-connected, deceitful media and replace it with an honest, fact-seeking news organization, and America still has a chance at survival.

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Rick Hayes lives in the epicenter of liberal land where reality and truth will never encounter a welcome mat.

An award-winning writer and photographer, with over twenty years of professional experience in both fields, Hayes started his journalism adventure after a successful, eye-opening career as a Banker in Wall Street. Although he spent his early work life surrounded by custom made shirts, expensive ties and the shiniest of shoes, Hayes was an accomplished singer, cutting a few records with a local band and appearing on one of the first cable shows.

Working for a weekly New York paper, in one of the most politically corrupt areas in the State, he began investing his time trying to understand the nature of corruption.

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Biased Media Helps Lawless Senate Ignore U.S. Constitution

Biased Media Helps Lawless Senate Ignore U.S. Constitution

By Rick Hayes ——Bio and Archives--April 18, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will continue to be in charge of the wide-open, broken southern border that is killing thousands of Americans, not because Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer or the 51-member Democratic majority spat on the United States Constitution but because America is without a free and impartial media.

The Left has always wanted to destroy the U.S. Constitution, and on April 17, 2024, anti-American forces led by Schumer finally succeeded by simply ignoring the sacred document. Two hundred thirty-six years of a system that created the most remarkable........

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