Make These Four Changes or the Nation is Lost

By Rev. Michael Bresciani ——Bio and Archives--May 5, 2024

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Caesar was quoting from a Greek comedy when he declared that the die was cast, but our present path and its subsequent outcome is no comedy. Time is running out for America to act.

Strong believers and true disciples being the exception, most Americans think if they attend a church once in a while and drop a dollar in the plate, they feel assured that they have done God a favor.

Since, Biblical prophecy is pre-written history, you will have done no one a favor by reading or ignoring these warnings. You can click off the page or re-publish it to your blog or website – it matters little. It is God, and yours truly, (one of his servants) that are doing a favor for you.

What is that favor?

The favor is pointing you to the only solution that is possible to save another nation in this tired old world from its own ugly demise .

Don’t ask how one writer could be so confident—ask how one man could be so fearful of the consequences of being silent. And yet, it is not punishment I fear, it is being asked to share with God the great sense of loss He will feel if we fail. How would his heart ache over the loss of this once mighty, chosen, and unique nation in all the world—the United States of America.

Need some high-sounding prophetic siren to wake you up? I have only this—move it or lose it.

There are four ways to save it, and only one way to lose it—do nothing.

Let’s see.

Your history teacher is a fraud if they have failed to teach you of the Christian foundations of this nation. From the founders to our august universities, the purpose of this nation was to glorify God and serve him with what they thought was a God given plan to create a mighty nation. Up to now, this Godless day, it has worked well.

We know that elementary students of the day may not get much math teaching anymore, but who could imagine that college grads could not put this 2 2 together? We have walked, trotted, and run away from God both in the apostate church and the fumbling faltering general society, and it looks like an invisible bogey man has got us on the run.........

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