By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--April 30, 2024

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Burning Question of our Times: How did the raging activists on Ivy League university campuses get to totally dominate the ‘News’?

How did the campus ‘snowflakes’—the same ones who demanded and so easily acquired—“safe spaces” on campus get to dominate front page headlines on major news outlets, including Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News and New York Post?

It was not so very long ago that in absurd Snowflake Land, activist students were so easily triggered and terrified that university administrations had to bring in grief counsellors, crayons and cocoa to calm them down.

Just a few years later, these ‘Milk and Cookie Terrorists’ are not only dominating the News but calling the shots.

Where are the parents who paid their kids’ tuitions at these expensive Ivy League universities now talking about hostages like Hamas? Where is the O’Biden admin’s call to order? Where are the FBI and other organizations paid to keep the American citizenry safe from radical terrorism?

Yes, we have a problem with the ‘journalism’ of our day, but it’s not what you might think.

Before the campus protests, news outlets made their news…’Entertainment’.

A prime example is how both Fox News and the New York Post seem to consider the British Monarchy as celebrity/entertainment—on par with Kim Kardashian’s latest makeover and Miley Cyrus’ little sister “breaking silence on rumored love triangle involving her Mom.”

On today’s Fox, there’s King Charles—crown and all—filed under Entertainment: “First Public Outing’, described as: “King Charles returns to royal duties with visit that hits close to home after cancer diagnosis.”

Two stories over: ‘Columbian students describe night of terror as protesters occupy building”.

Don’t students describing a “night of terror as protestors occupy building” matter to tone deaf Fox News?

No “news’ today about the number of protesters arrested, students suspended, or about foreign students arrested and faculty members dismissed—not to mention having all their names and photos publicized.

What about all the non-students joining the protests on campus? Couldn’t the FBI start tracking their communications rather than tracking traditional Catholics?

Unfortunately for students, some threatened with being taken as hostages and for their worried parents , on-scene photos, like the one of Columbian faculty members linked arm in arm with the protesters won’t be published by the media of our day—mostly because that’s not ‘ENTERTAINMENT’.

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When Media-Hyped University ‘Snowflakes’ Go Woke And Drive The News

When Media-Hyped University ‘Snowflakes’ Go Woke And Drive The News

By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--April 30, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Burning Question of our Times: How did the raging activists on Ivy League university campuses get to totally dominate the ‘News’?

How did the campus ‘snowflakes’—the same ones who demanded and so easily acquired—“safe spaces” on campus get to dominate front page headlines on major news outlets, including Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News and New York Post?

It was not so very long ago that in absurd Snowflake Land, activist students were so easily triggered and terrified that university........

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