By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--February 26, 2024

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In these worrisome days of ‘Waiting For The Shoe To Drop’, many of us aren’t sleeping at night.

Faceless global elitists, who for decades hid behind ‘Blaming-us-is-all-a-crazed conspiracy-theory’, now openly boast and gloat how the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) will be the ultimate authority for the health of the entire masses, come this May.

These are the same dirty players who locked down world populations, forcing untested vaccines on people during a contrived, ‘pandemic’, that some of their leaders readily admit opened the door for their New World Order launch.

In the midst of worrying about impending disasters like not being able to put enough food on the table to feed hungry families, not having enough cash or credit access on hand to keep houses warm, WHO’s coming Treaty to take over all human Health, is only the first Shoe to Drop.

Heading at breakneck speed toward the American masses is the November 5 American presidential Election, on a road boobytrapped with what can rationally be called ‘Major Distractions’, spread out to the masses by dutiful scare-mongering mainstream and social media.

Just as we thought things couldn’t get any worse than an FBI turning their attention away from real bloodthirsty terrorists to spying on parents of school age children and church goers, along came an above-the-law New York judge:

A crazed former taxi driver judge has fined presidential front runner Donald J. Trump an all but impossible to pay $354 Million— plus interest. And his venomous sidekick, New York Attorney General,Letitia James is now threatening to seize all of Trump’s assets.

In trying to get Trump off the Election ballot, they have stopped at NOTHING and most likely, never will.

Since all else they’ve tried has failed miserably, will they stop at trying to have Trump assassinated?

Could that be the 2nd shoe dropping they want us to worry about?

Small wonder that people aren’t sleeping at night, and those who are able to drift off, are tormented by frightful nightmares.

At almost any time throughout long sleepless night here, Yours Truly can find emails from those who can’t sleep, messages that assure me that I am not alone.

Will the emails keep coming?

The powers that be can shut off all communication at any time at their convenience, but I know that the sleepless will still be out there.

Dark times can keep us from sleeping, but can never keep us from praying, praying directly to our Creator, whose Providence is everywhere for any of those who would bother to look.

So very many of us are on a search for ‘The Norm’ with which we hope to restore a now Godless upside down world.

It is vital to remember that It is not us, but the Godless who are not normal.

It is not normal to butcher babies in their mothers’ wombs; not normal to change the genders of children at school; not normal to disfigure perfectly healthy children with politically motivated, life-changing, invasive surgery; not normal but evil to want to lock people down and mask them.

Belief in God is as normal as God’s welcome sunshine, respect for others and human decency are permanent things that are normal.

As we venture further into the Great Unknown of 2024, we should never fear, because God, ‘The Norm’ is here, as He always was and ever shall be.

We should none of us ever stop searching to get back to ‘The Norm’, keeping foremost in mind that it is not us but the evil operatives of the failing New World Order that keep trying to change and ultimately erase us, who are not now—and can never be—‘The Norm’.

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Searching For & Finding ‘The Norm’

Searching For & Finding ‘The Norm’

By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--February 26, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

In these worrisome days of ‘Waiting For The Shoe To Drop’, many of us aren’t sleeping at night.

Faceless global elitists, who for decades hid behind ‘Blaming-us-is-all-a-crazed conspiracy-theory’, now openly boast and gloat how the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) will be the ultimate authority for the health of the entire masses, come this May.

These are the same dirty players who locked down world populations, forcing untested vaccines on people during a contrived, ‘pandemic’, that some of their leaders readily admit opened the door for their New World Order launch.

In the midst of worrying about impending disasters like not being able to put enough food on the table to feed hungry families, not having enough cash or credit access on hand to keep houses warm, WHO’s coming Treaty to take over all human Health, is only the first Shoe to Drop.

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