By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--January 17, 2024

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The TRUTH under-riding Klaus Schwab and his WEF'ers is that the One World Order-advocating-World Economic Forum is nothing but an OPTICAL ILLUSION; an optical illusion flickering from a 24-7 faux television and digital screen.

Ditto, in spades, for the WEF’s main partner in crime, the taxpayer-and-government-funded United Nations.

Both the WEF and UN spend the lion’s share of their time on coming up with ideas to scare the masses on what is GOING to happen.

It’s their clumsy way of diverting the masses from what IS happening.

The so-called ‘pandemic’ didn’t kill as many people as its designers planned. Now it’s Virus X, which they say will kill 20 times more than COVID.

Meanwhile, Global Warming has been thrown into a backseat by raging blizzards in most of the western nations. Heat brings on hysteria in media hype. Cold kills.

In reality, the WEF/UN effort can’t even control its own boot-licking constituency. The uninvited masses—too busy trying to keep winter houses warm and finding the food they need to feed families, generally ignore them.

The thousands of business leaders and “world’s top” CEOs—not all but many—are availing their lusts with on-scene, $2,500-a-night Davos prostitutes, rather than attending lectures by Bill Gates, EU’s Ursula von der Leyen etc., energy-propped up by caviar and $1G bottles of wine.

This time instead of worrying the masses, Schwab and Company are worrying themselves:

“DAVOS, Switzerland Donald Trump is not among the attendees at this year’s edition of the World Economic Forum in Davos, but his potential reelection as president of the United States is very much part of the conversation at the Swiss Alpine resort.(CNBC, Jan. 17, 2024)

Thank God, something made them sober up!

“Every question I’ve gotten as I’ve walked up and down the [Davos] Promenade today is, ‘is he coming back?’,” Tim Adams, president of the Institute of International Finance, told CNBC Tuesday. (CNBC)

“So, I think there is a lot of interest in that question and what does that mean, and who would be in the key positions,” he added.

“Trump won the Iowa caucuses earlier this week, setting a new record for victory margins at the meetings. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came in a distant second, followed by former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

“The Iowa vote was seen as the first big test in the Republican campaign ahead of the 2024 presidential election. With Trump leading the Republican pack so far, the November election is likely to be another runoff between the former president and Democratic incumbent Joe Biden.

And no martinis can drown that turn-of-events TRUTH, WEF'ers!

And how’s this for inescapable Human Nature:

From the castoff Peanut Gallery nothing but the Loudest LOLs!

There you have it, WEF Pooh-bah Klaus Schwab.

There’s no way any mortal can escape reality. You and all WEF'ers must return to reality, which is the only way out of Davos.

Bear in mind that when you want to return, you won’t be made welcome.

The long-suffering world will tell you: ‘Go back to Davos and take creepy Denier-of-Christ Yuval Noah Harari with you!’

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Over in Davos, The New Face of Reality

Over in Davos, The New Face of Reality

By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--January 17, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

The TRUTH under-riding Klaus Schwab and his WEF'ers is that the One World Order-advocating-World Economic Forum is nothing but an OPTICAL ILLUSION; an optical illusion flickering from a 24-7 faux television and digital screen.

Ditto, in spades, for the WEF’s main partner in crime, the taxpayer-and-government-funded United Nations.

Both the WEF and UN spend the lion’s share of their time on coming up with ideas to scare the masses on what is GOING to happen.

It’s their clumsy way of diverting the masses from what IS happening.

The so-called ‘pandemic’ didn’t kill as many people as its designers planned. Now it’s Virus X, which they say will kill 20 times more than COVID.

Meanwhile, Global Warming has been thrown into a backseat by raging blizzards........

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