The Real Lesson of the Trump/Biden Debate

By Jack Gleason ——Bio and Archives--July 16, 2024

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In those ninety minutes the entire world saw – with their own eyes – that the President of the United States of America has the mental capacity of a turnip. Our emperor doesn’t have no clothes; he has no brain.

Much has been said, how poorly Biden did, how he must be replaced as a candidate, or even removed as president. Why have our media and our elected officials been lying about an obviously incompetent man – the guy who holds the nuclear codes – to run our country for the last three and a half years?

Americans should now be asking “if they lied to us about the leader of our country WHAT ELSE ARE THEY LYING ABOUT?”

The answer is… “EVERYTHING.”

This is quite the shock – especially to those on the Left. We trust our elected leaders, we trust our media to tell us the truth.

It’s like the guy who is planning a surprise anniversary trip for his wife, checks her passport to see if it’s up to date, and finds an entry stamp for Mexico. It’s dated the week she spent in Akron to be with her cousin Marcia who just had a miscarriage. Instead he discovers that she was in Cancun with her personal trainer, Marcello.

Suddenly, everything she has said or done over the last ten years is seen in a brand new light. She hasn’t been going to the fitness center every week to work out, but meeting Marcello at his nearby apartment. There’s........

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