Ohio Volunteers Uncover Massive Irregularities in Ohio Voter Database

By Jack Gleason ——Bio and Archives--March 22, 2024

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In the spring of 2021, volunteer investigators from Ohio acquired publicly available voter data for all 88 counties and started their analysis. Over the next year the researchers found hundreds of thousands of records in their state’s voter rolls with irregular data for which they couldn’t identify consistent explanations, no matter whom they asked.

In late summer of 2022, they reached out to Marly Hornik, co-leader of New York Citizens Audit, whose team had identified similar inaccuracies in the New York State data.

In 2023, Hornik, and Harry Haury, an expert in cybercrime and election law, founded United Sovereign Americans and developed a legal strategy for securing the validity of the 2024 election based on federal civil rights law and Supreme Court precedent which established for election officials that ignorance of the law is no excuse. “Congress seeks. . . .to guard the election of members of Congress against any possible unfairness by compelling, under its pains and penalties, everyone concerned in holding the election to a strict and scrupulous observance of every duty devolved upon him while so engaged. . . . The evil intent........

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