By Greg Maresca ——Bio and Archives--May 3, 2024

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Once Donald Trump passed on debating his GOP rivals, the news was nothing short of a political windfall for Democrats and President Joe Biden. The refusal provided Biden the perfect out for not debating Trump.

It was a slam dunk as all Biden needed to do is retreat to his basement presidential campaign office and wait out those election harvested mail-in ballots.

Then, in what was supposed to be an interview with shock-jock (is there still such a thing) Howard Stern, who now walks point for Leftists,Biden declared that he would debate Donald Trump saying, “I am. Somewhere. I don’t know when. I’m happy to debate him.”

Such a statement comes across as just another Biden lie. It’s poetry in motion as the mainstream media would never call him out and Biden knows it. He can lie with impunity.

Biden had the easy out from avoiding any contact with the debate stage but instead tripped up again as if he was ascending the steps to Air Force One.

Biden made his debate claim to Stern only to quickly change the subject, perhaps realizing the gaffe.

Team Biden must have lost it.

They certainly don’t want their man anywhere near a debate stage, a live microphone, or a reporter asking impromptu questions that are not pre-approved and rehearsed. Yet many Americans remain bamboozled believing Biden is actually calling the shots.

In 2020, Biden emerged twice from his infamous basement campaign bunker to debate Trump but that was four years ago—a lifetime in politics.

According to Politico, Biden has given interviews to just two print reporters and is the first president not to be interviewed by The New York Times. “Biden has taken steps to reduce opportunities for journalists to question him in forums where he can offer unscripted answers and they can follow up,” reported The New York Times last year.

Biden’s barking during March’s State of the Union address was to end any questions about retirement. Such optimism was dispelled by a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll that revealed how two-thirds of voters believe Biden’s actions “give credibility to the fears about his age and memory.”

Questions about Biden’s mental acuity circulate like flies at a Democrat picnic. How can Biden stand on a stage with Trump for 90 minutes without a teleprompter and an earpiece?

Biden’s handlers will either ignore any talk of a debate or spin it with ridiculous qualifying conditions that include questions only concerning ice cream, Corn Pop, and cannibals, while allowing for cue cards, earpieces, teleprompters and at least three phone Obama calls.

When Trump balks team Biden will blame Trump. Or the courts will schedule Trump’s appearance on the day of debate—a mere coincidence of course.

Provided any charge sticks to Trump, Biden will say, “I will not debase the office of the Presidency nor dishonor the American people by engaging in any debate with a convicted felon who threatens our democracy.”

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Biden owes it to the American people to commit to the debate—no strings attached.

Provided any debate is to occur, it would be scheduled well after early voting started.

Everyone but Biden knows he cannot be allowed to debate Trump. Biden’s cognitive challenges will be on full display. Even the teleprompter can confound him. During a speech at a recent trade union conference in Washington D.C., Biden read out loud his pause cues, not realizing it until an awkward and embarrassing few seconds later.

The ole Biden gaffe machine continues nonstop.

Debates have a longstanding tradition throughout American politics. Debates allow voters to assess candidates together in an open-ended forum. Lately however, debates have devolved into raucous shouting matches overrun with partisan talking points rather than a reasoned and meticulous give-and-take. It has taken on a Muppet Show atmosphere resembling those two elderly Muppets acting out in the balcony.

Perhaps Democrats will get creative and bring in puppeteer Jeff Dunham’s, Walter as Biden’s stand-in.

The attacks on our constitution, open borders, overt crime, Biden’s green energy debacle, and the failure of Bidenomics are unsustainable.

The American Republic cannot afford another Biden “pause” of four more years.

Yet, plenty believe such elementary logic is debatable and that’s why a debate is warranted.

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Maresca is a New York City native and a Marine Corps veteran living in Flyover, Pennsylvania.

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Corn popped

Corn popped

By Greg Maresca ——Bio and Archives--May 3, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Once Donald Trump passed on debating his GOP rivals, the news was nothing short of a political windfall for Democrats and President Joe Biden. The refusal provided Biden the perfect out for not debating Trump.

It was a slam dunk as all Biden needed to do is retreat to his basement presidential campaign office and wait out those election harvested mail-in ballots.

Then, in what was supposed to be an interview with shock-jock (is there still such a thing) Howard Stern, who now walks point for Leftists,Biden declared that he would debate Donald Trump saying, “I am. Somewhere. I don’t know when. I’m happy to debate him.”

Such a statement comes across as just another Biden lie. It’s poetry in motion as the mainstream media would never call him out and Biden knows it. He can lie with impunity.

Biden had the easy out from avoiding any contact with the debate stage but instead tripped up again as if he was ascending the steps to Air Force One.

Biden made his debate........

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