By David Robb ——Bio and Archives--July 6, 2024
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In Part 1 we looked into a bit of immigration history, and why the current situation is a concern. Part 2 described the different categories of people entering the country and who we might wish to accept as immigrants.
Not all invaders are created equal, though, and there are many we don't wish to stay. Many of those represent serious dangers both to individual citizens as well as the security and well-being of our nation. We will look at the rest of the list we presented in part 2 to get a better picture of who we don't want to keep.
The first five on this list were discussed in part 2, and are people we might want to have stay. Here we look at the remaining eight classes of invaders, and present a short summary of why each is a particular problem.
DHS reports almost 25,000 Chinese military age individuals crossed our border in 2024 alone. Most of these have been fit males who appear to have military training. Several of them have probed US military bases, even entering them on occasion, and not through authorized entries. Aside from military facilities, our entire infrastructure is open and was never designed to resist sabotage or attack.
Electrical distribution networks, water supplies and distribution, waste disposal systems, roads, bridges, food supplies and distribution, railroads, and so many other essentials are vulnerable and easily targeted. We have never, in this country, had to confront survival after massive attack such as Europe experienced in the aftermath of two World Wars. Europe, Japan, and other areas were rebuilt with massive American assistance. Who would help us rebuild? Who could? China?
A dedicated Fifth Column of saboteurs embedded in the country could wreak terrible destruction in short order. Aside from the actual destruction, the mere presence of a network of agents willing and able to destroy would give any outside entity that could activate such a network immense power and control over our policies and even over our ability to provide assistance to allies.
The presence of agents, not just from China, but also Iran and other potential adversaries, is a major compromise of national security. We should not tolerate it lightly. A very recent report on the problem was prepared for the House, and is well worth........