By Charles Wills ——Bio and Archives--April 13, 2024

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I cringed when I saw Mike Johnson, the RINO from Louisiana, standing behind Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Apparently, after Marjorie Taylor Greene threatened to oust Johnson for ramming the Democrat's irresponsible spending spree through Congress, Johnson ran to Donald Trump to save his job as speaker. Ironically, he ran to Trump to save his job after supporting the renewal of section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), calling it "a vital tool against terrorism", knowing that it was used to spy on Donald Trump throughout his campaign and presidency.

Moreover, FISA has been used primarily to spy on American citizens. In fact, the primary purpose of FISA is to give the satanic leaders of the federal government the power to spy on their enemies--American citizens--although the Constitution prohibits the government from spying on it's own citizens.

In addition, the Justice Department repeatedly used FISA courts to spy on Donald Trump after he was elected president. The leaders of the Democrat party (satanists) were desperate to dig up dirt on Donald Trump that they could use to either blackmail or destroy him with. The satanic Democrats, and their Republican henchmen, repeatedly used FISA courts to violate Donald Trump's Constitutional rights in an effort to find incriminating evidence against him.

Moreover, FISA was the tool, described by Speaker Johnson as "a vital tool against terrorism", that Democrats used to weaponize the justice system against their enemies--the American people. In turn, the Democrat's justice system used the FBI to cover up (hide) Joe Biden and the Democrats' treacherous, as in traitorous, betrayal of the American people.

According to a congressional investigation, Joe Biden accepted bribes for favorable legislation and federal loans and grants, of the American taxpayers' money, to foreign leaders and corporations. And although the FBI documented the bribes, that Burisma Holdings paid the Bidens, the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, denied the existence of any FBI files that documented the bribes.

However, Sen. Chuck Grassley produced an FBI document that contained a $10 million dollar bribery allegation against Joe Biden and his son Hunter. In that official FBI document, the Ukrainian oligarch, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma Holdings, told the FBI that he was “coerced” into giving Joe and Hunter Biden each 5$ million dollars in late 2015 or early 2016.

That document and Hunter Biden's incriminating laptop were both withheld from the American public by the FBI, although the FBI had Hunter's laptop in their possession and knew it was genuine. On top of that, the leaders of the CIA, in an attempt to coverup the treason exposed by Hunter's laptop, falsely swore that Hunter's laptop was not genuine; that it was Russian propaganda. The actions of the leaders of the FBI and CIA is proof that they, like the Marxist media, are all liars and deceivers and cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

Furthermore, FISA wasn't written to protect American citizens from terrorists. It was written to give the federal government the unconstitutional power to spy on its enemies--the American people. In fact, FISA has been used by the FBI to spy on over 278,000 Americans, according to the fake news media. Since I know that all three branches of U.S. government and the Marxist media are controlled by the same satanic bankster families, that lie about everything, I have to conclude that the number reported by FISA courts (278,000) is only a fraction of the number of Americans that FISA courts have been used to spy on.

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In addition, I have no doubts that most of the 278,000 Americans, that FISA courts admitted to spying on, were Radical Traditionalist Catholics or Radical Christians. The FBI considers Christians radical extremists because we oppose the teaching of transsexualism and homosexualism to our children in public schools.

According to FBI documents, Christians are enemies of the state. That's because Christians oppose the deep state's teaching of sodomy, godlessness, covetousness and false pride to their children. False pride can be observed in every liberal from gay pride activists to members of "The View". They all exhibit an exaggerated sense of self importance as well as hatred of and denial of truth. They hate, curse and want to harm anyone that disagrees with them, although they accuse their opponents of hating them.

Furthermore, I have no doubt whatsoever that the FBI used FISA courts to spy on Traditional Catholics just because they oppose the sexual, spiritual, and mental abuse of their children by the satanic government's school system. That begs the question: How can renewing unconstitutional legislation, that only serves to empower the FBI and other federal intelligence agencies to spy on U.S. citizens, prevent a foreign terrorist attack?

The answer is: FISA has not and will not prevent any foreign terrorist attack, no matter what FBI leaders tell us, because it was designed to give federal agencies the unconstitutional power to spy on American citizens. In that respect, FISA has done what it was designed to do; prevent the American people from exposing and overthrowing the current unprincipled and oppressive satanic regime in Washington.

Moreover, FISA isn't about protecting American citizens from terrorist like politicians and government officials claim. On the contrary, it's about empowering the satanic federal government to take away our constitutional right to privacy and due process. Furthermore, the leaders of Congress, the FBI, and the Department of Justice are not there to protect or serve us, the people. They are there to enslave us to a ruling class of satanic tyrants, and Speaker Mike Johnson hasn't done anything, since he picked up the speaker's gavel, to thwart or hinder the takeover of America by satanic forces.

I might add that Donald Trump was against renewing FISA, and it would have expired on April 19 if Congress failed to renew it. However, the house, under Mike Johnson's leadership, refused to let it expire . That's another reason why Mike Johnson, and all the Republicans and Democrats that voted to renew FISA, should not be trusted to do the right thing for the American people. They all claim to represent the American people, but everything they do empowers the state and disempowers the American people.

When I saw Mike Johnson at Mar-a-Lago, on the very day that he scheduled Congress to vote on renewing FISA, I knew that Greene was right, the deep state is holding something terrible over his head. He should never have accepted the nomination for Speaker of the House. And sadly, he doesn't have the depth of character to just resign--to step down on his own.

I sympathize with Johnson's predicament because nobody likes being blackmailed into doing things against their will. However, I don't feel sorry for Johnson because, instead of giving up the power of the speaker's gavel to save his rear end, he chose to betray the American people.

Then when his speakership was threatened because of his treacherous betrayals, he chose to run to Donald Trump rather than face his accusers and defend his actions.

When Donald Trump said, "We're getting along very well with the speaker, and I get along very well with Marjorie", I knew that Johnson went to Trump to save his speakership and reputation. Trump added, "He's doing about as good as you're going to do. And I'm sure that Marjorie understands that. She's a very good friend of mine. And I know she has a lot of respect for the speaker".

At that point, I realized that Trump didn't believe a word he was saying. If Johnson is as good as we can expect from a Republican speaker, then America is doomed because Johnson is doing the work of America's enemies. He may depend on Trump to save him now, but I'll bet Johnson will turn on Trump at the first opportunity--just like most Republicans did after January 6th.

Finally, Speaker Johnson is just another compromised, self serving politician. And, he has already shown us that he will throw us under the bus to save his own rear end. He isn't made of the same material our founders were made of. They were willing to sacrifice their livelihood and even their lives for the freedom and independence of America. In contrast, Johnson has shown us that he would not willingly sacrifice his power as speaker, give up any of his wealth, or even stand up for the Christian principles that he claims are his principles. If he doesn't resign, then he should be ousted because he took over where Nancy Pelosi left off.

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Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.

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Speaker Johnson is just another compromised, self serving politician

Speaker Johnson is just another compromised, self serving politician

By Charles Wills ——Bio and Archives--April 13, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

I cringed when I saw Mike Johnson, the RINO from Louisiana, standing behind Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Apparently, after Marjorie Taylor Greene threatened to oust Johnson for ramming the Democrat's irresponsible spending spree through Congress, Johnson ran to Donald Trump to save his job as speaker. Ironically, he ran to Trump to save his job after supporting the renewal of section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), calling it "a vital tool against terrorism", knowing that it was used to spy on Donald Trump throughout his campaign and presidency.

Moreover, FISA has been used primarily to spy on American citizens. In fact, the primary purpose of FISA is to give the satanic leaders of the federal government the power to spy on their enemies--American citizens--although the Constitution prohibits the government from spying on it's own citizens.

In addition, the Justice Department repeatedly used FISA courts to spy on Donald Trump after he was elected president. The leaders of the Democrat party (satanists) were desperate to dig up dirt on Donald Trump that they could use to either blackmail or destroy him with. The satanic Democrats, and their Republican henchmen, repeatedly used FISA courts to violate Donald Trump's Constitutional rights in an effort to find incriminating evidence against him.

Moreover, FISA was the tool, described by Speaker Johnson as "a vital tool against terrorism", that Democrats used to weaponize the justice system against their enemies--the American people. In turn, the Democrat's justice system used the FBI to cover up (hide) Joe Biden and the Democrats' treacherous, as in traitorous, betrayal of the American people.

According to a congressional investigation, Joe Biden accepted bribes for favorable legislation and federal loans and grants, of the American taxpayers' money, to foreign leaders and corporations. And although the FBI documented the bribes, that Burisma Holdings paid the Bidens, the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, denied the existence of any FBI files that documented the bribes.

However, Sen.........

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