By Charles Martel ——Bio and Archives--March 25, 2024

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This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press because without America, there is no freedom.

Last week on CNN, Anderson Cooper conducted an interview with James Carville in which Carville claimed Joe Biden wasn’t a good attack politician, but suggested that trait wasn’t necessary for him because there were others who could do the president’s “wet work” for him in attacking Donald Trump.

Neat little phrase, eh? Images of children splashing around in a back yard swimming pool jump to mind. However, “wet work” is a common euphemism in intelligence work for murder or assassination. The “wet” being a stand in for blood. You don’t have to take my word for it, any search engine will pull the term up immediately.

Anderson and Carville had a good laugh, with the full understanding that there would be no outrage from either corporate or social media, that they needn’t worry about being cancelled, that the fury that would erupt had the term been directed at Joe Biden or Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton wouldn’t so much as yawn in their direction.

There is, of course, no surprise in that, but what did strike me was Carville and Cooper’s obvious insouciance, their devil-may-care attitude that betrayed any notion that they had ever so much as given a thought to themselves or their fellow travelers becoming the object of “wet work.”

Carville is a perfect example of a ruthless, unprincipled, inside-the-beltway bubble dope. For example, only today I read an article by Maureen Dowd of the New York Times in which she’d interviewed Carville. He first decries the hatred that has infested American politics, and then the guy explains how Trump supporters should be approached and persuaded, the implied suggestion being they are normal people with genuine concerns.

But he then says of Trump, quote, “He’s insane. He’s a criminal of the first order.” I may be going out on a limb here, but I don’t think that’s the way to approach or persuade anyone intending to vote for Donald Trump, no matter how tepid that support may be. And I know it’s not the tact I’d assume if I were concerned about “hatred” in our present-day politics.

But progressive’s lack of self-awareness as exemplified by Carville’s oblivious nattering is not my object today. What I’m pondering is who might direct “wet work” at America’s left? What would it look like? Who would its objects be?

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For any who think exploring these questions is far-fetched or insane, remember, the FBI evidently doesn’t feel that way, as is evidenced by the agency’s declaration that, quote, “home grown right-wing terrorists pose the nation’s greatest terror threat.” And either the FBI is correct to be concerned, which means there are people on the right already immersed in wet work study; or, the FBI has become a tool of enforcement for an authoritarian Deep State, in which case it would seem to me that those of us who love freedom and America as founded owe it to ourselves, our forbearers, and our posterity to begin a thorough examination of “wet work” and all its pregnant possibilities.

But first, here’s a quick listing of some of the left’s crimes and subversive activities. It’s not meant to be comprehensive, as that would take me into next week; however, no matter how limited, individually they are alarming and cumulatively they are more than sufficient to motivate contemplation of wet work. Such an anodyne phrase. Oh, my, wet work! The baby’s diaper needs changing.

To continue, the left has engineered a 2-tiered system of justice that is daily on peacock display. Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder skate and the press covers for Joe Biden and his family, while Peter Navarro goes to prison and Trump is hounded by corrupt prosecutors and judges.

J-6 protestors and those among them who rioted are accused of insurrection and suffer punitive punishment by additional zealous prosecutors and judges, while ANTIFA and BLM thugs have largely escaped responsibility for looting, arson, and even murder.

Police across the country are under siege, and four Minneapolis police officers are in prison for the drug overdose death of a career criminal, while William Byrd, a black capitol hill police officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, faces no criminal investigation and no punishment, despite testimony from fellow officers that expressed alarm at his actions in the shooting.

By the millions, illegal aliens pour across our border. The overwhelming number of them are military aged males. Among them are men on the FBI’s terrorist watch list and an enormous number of criminals from various South American countries, many of whom have already committed crimes here, including rape, child trafficking and murder. The country is overwhelmingly against this flood, but the administration does nothing. Obviously, Biden and his handlers want this continued influx; just as obviously, we are not allowed to ask why, and the only possible conclusions are frightening.

Marxists have commandeered our institutions, particularly academia, and they teach and inculcate young people with a radical philosophy that America is systematically racist and white people are oppressors and racist by virtue of their skin color. The object is to gin up hatred and divide. Character and merit are to be replaced by gender and skin pigment. The family is bad; fathers are unnecessary, and males are toxic; instead, government experts know all.

Inflation has slowed but still rages, grinding down the middle and lower classes; but after first being told that it was temporary and then lectured that it was good for us by the Deep State’s media mouth pieces, the Biden admin continues to spend like a drunk sailor certain he has a winning lotto ticket.

Free speech is under assault, with cases now pending before the Supreme Court that would curtail natural rights enshrined in our Constitution. And this in the shadow of the government’s massive failure in the COVID lockdown, a failure that not only led to economic devastation, damaged education for children, and millions of unnecessary deaths, but saw people punished and fired from their jobs; their reasoned arguments in opposition to government policy were suppressed by the Deep State leaning on social media.

The entire scurrilous episode is a glowing exemplar of the need for unfettered speech; it is a precise example of why, especially now with the legacy media having become an adjunct of the Democratic Party, the Deep State should in no way be allowed to determine what speech is permitted and what is forbidden.

Symptoms of our metastasizing rot litter the field; a recent example being the accusations hurled at Tony Bobulinski, a man who has, along with his immediate and extended family, served in this country’s military with distinction and honor, only to be told by Dem Congress men and women who are unfit even to clean his toilet, that he is a liar when he presents evidence of Biden family corruption and treason.

The episode took me back to Brett Kavanaugh and his treatment by Dem Senators during his confirmation hearing. We are beset by a traitorous progressive fungus. Need more evidence? There is, of course, the attack on our children; the attempts to erase and denigrate our nation’s history; the coddling of criminals; and the devotion to a fraudulent green goddess determined to kill our energy production and reduce us to a 19th Century standard of living.

Any of what I’ve listed is enough to raise an alarm. Taken together they are unmistakable evidence of an enemy within whose sole goal is to destroy us and rule over whatever is left.

Simultaneously, we have the harbinger of Europe staring at us, where the intersection of globalist Marxism with the Muslim horde make civil war inevitable and on the doorstep. And playing underneath the scene, Biden and the American left threaten to withhold support from Israel if that country doesn’t cease its effort to destroy Hamas. And the sub-text to all of this is that the West must die, white people are evil, and after Israel and Europe, America is next on the list.

While I am, you understand, merely musing and contemplating, and not advocating anything, if the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight focuses the mind, then it seems to me that for people faced with the execution of their country, soft targets, say academics, journalists, low-level bureaucrats not afforded a detail, would likely be first in the wet work crosshairs.

I think that would look like teams of 2 or at the most 3, men and women, with an unflagging faith in one another, possessed of absolute discretion because of a certainty that even a whisper would mean their destruction.

It would look like planning, stealth, and secrecy, with the aim to deliver and escape, so the process could be repeated. It would like Michael Collins Irish patriots becoming the “gray man” at the pub, never betraying a political bent, disinterested to all news from any direction. Ultimately, it would look like a cascade effect wherein teams of people unknown to each other and having never met, become simultaneously engaged in similar actions across the country. It would present to the Deep State’s brown shirts a sort of whack a mole, with moles rising to the end of the horizon.

Who else might direct “wet work” at America’s left? Well, let’s consider beyond our shores. What other countries have much to lose? What must Israel be thinking of America’s progressives at this moment? What about Taiwan? Or Columbia? Or Hungary? Or Argentina? Or El Salvador? Or even South Korea?

Is it implausible that they perceive an authoritarian, globalist-Marxist American government as an existential threat? I don’t think so. All of those nations have embraced healthy ideas of nationalism, of individual freedom and free market capitalism.

In other words, philosophically, America’s progressives are diametrically opposed to them. And if a power base is solidified in the US, well, since when have progressives shown a restraint in power lust? Americas’ leftists will side with China or Venezuela or even Mideast theocrats to undermine countries not under the globalist thumb. We’ve already seen it.

So, if a nation, say Israel, believes its existence is at stake, why wouldn’t it send Mossad agents to deliver a bit of wet work safe to say, Anthony Blinken or Samantha Powers or Alejandro Mayorkas? Sure, it’s a risk, but is it as big a risk as Iran with a nuclear weapon?

Besides, I realize our intel agencies are superb at corralling Catholic parents determined their children not see pornography in school, and they’re expert at apprehending peaceful anti-abortion demonstrators; and arm-twisting big tech is a particular specialty, although, admittedly, big tech doesn’t require much coercion; however, I think Mossad agents just might slip through their nets. What do you think?

Hungarians schooled in the old Soviet way of doing business would, I suspect, prove formidable adversaries; the Taiwanese have been very capable at fending off mainland China, and the South American countries I mentioned have long experience in surreptitious action against communists.

As I said, it’s a risk, but the reward is survival and losing is death. And really, how tough are our tyrants? At least that would be discovered. I’m reminded of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s wishing that his compatriots had, even once, with bats and clubs or hammers, made the functionaries pay a price, so that from then on, when they left their homes in the morning, they had to wonder if they’d return.

So, what would wet work visited on the left look like? To invoke a progressive hero, it would look like fish in the sea, collective and anonymous, domestic and, quite possibly, foreign; it would look like Thomas Jefferson’s fertilizing the tree of liberty; it would look like free people determined to remain free and willing to pay the price against authoritarians whose only goal is power. And it would look like those authoritarians paying a price. I know where I think the greatest strength lies.

This is Charles Martel bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press. Catch me on Instagram at CharlesMartelCFP.

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What would violence against progressives look like? Who would it target?

What would violence against progressives look like? Who would it target?

By Charles Martel ——Bio and Archives--March 25, 2024

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This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press because without America, there is no freedom.

Last week on CNN, Anderson Cooper conducted an interview with James Carville in which Carville claimed Joe Biden wasn’t a good attack politician, but suggested that trait wasn’t necessary for him because there were others who could do the president’s “wet work” for him in attacking Donald Trump.

Neat little phrase, eh? Images of children splashing around in a back yard swimming pool jump to mind. However, “wet work” is a common euphemism in intelligence work for murder or assassination. The “wet” being a stand in for blood. You don’t have to take my word for it, any search engine will pull the term up immediately.

Anderson and Carville had a good laugh, with the full understanding that there would be no outrage from either corporate or social media, that they needn’t worry about being cancelled, that the fury that would erupt had the term been directed at Joe Biden or Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton wouldn’t so much as yawn in their direction.

There is, of course, no surprise in that, but what did strike me was Carville and Cooper’s obvious insouciance, their devil-may-care attitude that betrayed any notion that they had ever so much as given a thought to themselves or their fellow travelers becoming the object of “wet work.”

Carville is a perfect example of a ruthless, unprincipled, inside-the-beltway bubble dope. For example, only today I read an article by Maureen Dowd of the New York Times in which she’d interviewed Carville. He first decries the hatred that has infested American politics, and then the guy explains how Trump supporters should be approached and persuaded, the implied suggestion being they are normal people with genuine concerns.

But he then says of Trump, quote, “He’s insane. He’s a criminal of the first order.” I may be going out on a limb here, but I don’t think that’s the way to approach or persuade anyone intending to vote for Donald Trump, no matter how tepid that support may be. And I know it’s not the tact I’d assume if I were concerned about “hatred” in our present-day politics.

But progressive’s lack of self-awareness as exemplified by Carville’s oblivious nattering is not my object today. What I’m pondering is who might direct “wet work” at America’s left? What would it look like? Who would its objects be?

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For any who think exploring these questions is far-fetched or insane, remember, the FBI evidently doesn’t feel that way, as is evidenced by the agency’s declaration that, quote, “home grown right-wing terrorists pose the nation’s greatest terror threat.” And either the FBI is correct to be concerned, which means there are people on the right already immersed in wet work study; or, the FBI has become a tool of enforcement for an authoritarian Deep State, in which case it would seem to me that those of us who love freedom and America as founded owe........

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