By Charles Martel —— Bio and Archives--March 4, 2024

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This is Charles Martel, coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press.

Donald Trump will be our next president. I’m making that point unequivocally, right now; if I’m wrong and get egg on my face then I’ll revisit this in November, and my critics can bathe in schadenfreude while I cry for the country that once was America.

Trump will be our next president because a majority of people want him; how’s that for Occam’s Razor? That number will increase from now until November. I’m well aware that the GOPe, the country club silk panty wearing dubonnet sippers, the go along to get along, belly up to the trough crowd of the Republican Party doesn’t want Trump; I’m equally aware that they’ve yet to realize that the rank and file has not so much left them behind as it has abandoned them. They are orphaned and forgotten.

They have neither power nor influence; they will not choose our next candidate, but if they decide, as has Nikki Haley, to fight our democratic will, then they will have destroyed their chances for a political future in the Republican Party, and that, to my mind, is no loss at all.

Some of this flaccid faction on the right is nothing more than their twin example among liberals. Their hands are permanently in the pocket of their constituents. They like the power, perquisites, and privilege, but their principles, if they ever had any, were long ago erased. They are bereft of honor and couldn’t begin to define courage. We needed brawlers, and they are cowards and weasels.

There is a second element on the right that, seemingly, has not realized they’ve been excommunicated. I respect the honor and decency of the Bush’s, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, but they brought fingerless gloves to a fight in which their opponents sported brass knuckles. They lived and are living in a time long past.

To not, at this point, realize that has to be an instant disqualifier because it’s a guarantee of electoral humiliation. And losing honorably is simply no longer an affordable luxury. Peers are owed a degree of honor; barbarians are owed an alley fight with a promise of every degree of ruthlessness imaginable.

Communists and globalists are barbarians. Staying above the fray, doing the right thing when opposing a progressive, is the philosophy of a loser.

Over and over and over again progressives have evidenced a gleeful willingness to socially and professionally destroy their opponents. Labelling someone they don’t like a gang rapist doesn’t even constitute a hurdle to garbage people who are willing to loose criminals to prey on your daughters and wives and children.

Bankrupting someone holding an adversarial point of view is fine to them, but imprisonment is preferred. Looting and arson, rioting and robbing, even murder are simply other tools in the progressive kit.

And lying… monstrous, leviathan mendacity, with the aid and collusion of a complicit and corrupt corporate media is the lubricant that keeps the wheels rolling. Daily, from Dem politicians, news talking heads, and progressive opinion writers we are told that in order to save democracy, Trump must be kept off the ballot. Think of that. Have you ever heard a lie more bold or brazen? The clear-cut candidate of one of our two major parties, a man backed by tens of millions of voters, must not be allowed to run. And we’re told that’s saving democracy.

There is no fair or honorable fight with these people; there is no good faith disagreement, and there is no common ground: There is only winning and losing. If you disagree with them, they will call you a homophobe, a xenophobe, an Islamophobe, a racist, whichever, whatever epithet they think fitting.

An overwhelming majority of conservative voters--a number that grows daily--has come to that realization. The last attempt to be polite was the Tea Party. But the left quickly labelled them bitter clingers, deplorables, and, finally and predictably, racists. The end of the Tea Party was the end of civility and the harbinger of Donald Trump. He is the man of the hour; the man whose time has come. He is precisely what we want and, more importantly, what we need.

To once more invoke Occam’s Razor, the left has not been too clever by half, so much as twice as stupid as we believed. First, in order to head off a Trump second administration-- and in addition to election rigging--they foisted upon us a demented and grasping goat who sprinkles turds on his breakfast cereal and strokes and fondles women and pre-pubescent girls as if he’s Lenny in of Mice and Men, dreaming of the rabbits while he squeezes his mouse death, and all while the avaricious kleptocrat is greedily having his pockets stuffed, even by the nation’s enemies.

But on the horizon, the left is seeing the return of a tidal surge, and more than pigeons returning to roost, there is a sky-darkening flock of seagulls defecating on progressive dinner plates.

They’ve sensed this for a time, but remained certain the banana republic lawfare gambit was their ace in the hole. Now, that card is crumbling. Jack Smith’s case in DC is not going to be heard before the election; in Palm Beach, Smith has run into a judge who is unwilling to brook his charade; in New York, Letitia James would finish 4th in a 3-person spelling contest with two Down's Syndrome children. Even reliable lefties like Jonathan Chait and Chris Cuomo have called her out as an opportunist.

The judgment against Trump, handed down by the profoundly unserious #-clown Judge Gargoyle Engoron, has no chance of surviving appeal, and has only strengthened Trump as the realization of obscene mistreatment and grotesque injustice has taken hold in voters.

This leaves Fani Willis and the case in Georgia which has fallen apart like a sand castle in a hurricane. If you haven’t yet, tune into Youtube and enjoy her testimony, or that of her paramour, Nathan Wade, or his friend, Terrence Bradley. These people are liars on a universal scale, but they have no ability to disguise it.

As Mary McCarthy said of Lillian Hellman, Every word they say is a lie, including “and” and “the.” Worse, or perhaps better, their lies are as transparent as a new bride’s wedding night negligee. We can see it all; they’d have been better to shut-up, but they were too stupid.

It's a bit of a way back, says the man who mentioned Mary McCarthy who’s been dead for 35 years, but the testimony of the Fulton County fops put me in mind of Alger Hiss’ grand jury testimony when Whittaker Chambers showed him to be a communist. Hiss’ answers, all obfuscation and non-answers and self-righteousness, all obvious, bald lies, not only echo in the testimony of Willis and her cronies, you can hear it in the likes of Adam Schiff or New York congressman Dan Goldman today. Progressives lie like you and I change our socks; the truth is not in them, and it’s been that way going back to Stalin.

And like today, Hiss’ lies were abetted by mendacious media dolts who covered and spinned. Still, although decent people will forever be rueful that Hiss wasn’t convicted of treason, it’s good to recall he did go to prison for perjury. Ms Willis, call your office.

So with hope receding and reality encroaching, desperation is all that remains for progressives. They are going to face Trump, case closed. Trump will crush Biden, and it doesn’t matter if they replace Biden. The Democrats' policies are losers for all but federal government employees and the obscenely rich. The Dems could run a saint, he or she would lose. Were Jesus Christ to return and accept their nomination, He might run close enough to enable a cheat to carry the day, but even that isn’t certain. Besides, Christ would reject them as irredeemable.

From the open border to inflation and crime, to our enemies having neither fear nor respect for us and all the world viewing our nation as a laughing stock because of the moron the left championed, the Dems' crimes of incompetence and failure is going to insure electoral ruin later this year.

Their punishment is Donald Trump and a Republican Party that neither likes nor respects them, and that could give a rat’s red # about a rapprochement.

Immediately, progressive cities will see violence and mayhem; there will be calls to divide the nation. For myself, I could not care less. Burn down Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Minneapolis and all the rest. That will not happen in the red states.

If we remain united, or even if we don’t, prepare for bureaucracies to be broken up and ended, and monopolies to be obliterated and dispersed. The left is afraid, and they should be. We bear them animus and enmity, and so does Donald Trump. That’s why we’re electing him; Trump represents us, and he was never so wise as when he said “It’s not me they want, it’s you. I’m just in the way.”

Some deep state members’ crimes have been as outrageous as their lies. They should expect punishment. Let them scream; their cries are a lullaby to me.

A few weeks past I mentioned something I’m now going to repeat: 30 odd years ago after having lived in NYC for 10 years, I visited a boyhood friend and told him “we’re going to have to fight these people one day. They hate our God, they hate our guns, they hate capitalism and they hate us.” At the time, he thought I was crazy; not today.

General Trump is leading the way, and we are coming for progressives. It can be peaceful or not, but despite their ignorance we have inalienable rights bestowed by our Creator, and the left is not going to take them away from us.

This is Charles Martel bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press. Catch me on Instagram at CharlesMartelCFP.

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Trump will be re-elected; hysterical progressives are right to be worried

Trump will be re-elected; hysterical progressives are right to be worried

By Charles Martel —— Bio and Archives--March 4, 2024

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This is Charles Martel, coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press.

Donald Trump will be our next president. I’m making that point unequivocally, right now; if I’m wrong and get egg on my face then I’ll revisit this in November, and my critics can bathe in schadenfreude while I cry for the country that once was America.

Trump will be our next president because a majority of people want him; how’s that for Occam’s Razor? That number will increase from now until November. I’m well aware that the GOPe, the country club silk panty wearing dubonnet sippers, the go along to get along, belly up to the trough crowd of the Republican Party doesn’t want Trump; I’m equally aware that they’ve yet to realize that the rank and file has not so much left them behind as it has abandoned them. They are orphaned and forgotten.

They have neither power nor influence; they will not choose our next candidate, but if they decide, as has Nikki Haley, to fight our democratic will, then they will have destroyed their chances for a political future in the Republican Party, and that, to my mind, is no loss at all.

Some of this flaccid faction on the right is nothing more than their twin example among liberals. Their hands are permanently in the pocket of their constituents. They like the power, perquisites, and privilege, but their principles, if they ever had any, were long ago erased. They are bereft of honor and couldn’t begin to define courage. We needed brawlers, and they are cowards and weasels.

There is a second element on the right that, seemingly, has not realized they’ve been excommunicated. I respect the honor and decency of the Bush’s, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, but they brought fingerless gloves to a fight in which their opponents sported brass knuckles. They lived and are living in a time long past.

To not, at this point, realize that has to be an instant disqualifier because it’s a guarantee of electoral humiliation. And losing honorably is simply no longer an affordable luxury. Peers are owed a degree of honor; barbarians are owed an alley fight with a promise of every degree of ruthlessness imaginable.

Communists and globalists are barbarians. Staying above the fray, doing the right thing when opposing a progressive, is the philosophy of a loser.

Over and over and over again progressives have evidenced a gleeful........

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