Redefining religion to suit power politics

By A. Dru Kristenev ——Bio and Archives--August 2, 2024

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The West has hit the wall with attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs that formed the bases for good governance.

Atlantic magazine contributor, McKay Coppins, seems to have hunted down consultants that fit his description of religious scholarship to support his interpretation of prayer rendered for Donald J. Trump. Coppins’ take on what Christian prayer should be comprised has colored his concept of righteousness, which is mischaracterized by non-believers as an elevation of self above that of others.

Beginning with that misunderstanding of the word within the sphere of biblical terminology, there can only be one outcome of secularist opinion mirroring how they see themselves, which is superior to those of faith.

Being righteous in regard to God is not what Christian outsiders think it is. It is having right standing with God due to placing all faith in Him instead of in oneself. That is a submission to esteeming God as sovereign over oneself, not esteeming oneself as better than others.

Starting from this premise, Coppin is self-righteous in his derogation of prayer that is rendered for office-holders and those seeking to represent the electorate. Prayers offered for the nation and candidates by believers are to glorify God first, asking His blessing on them for guidance and, yes, righteousness as biblically understood, which is not the same as Coppin and his consultants’ definition.

Now that’s been cleared up, there is a problem........

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