Can new administration shutdown miscarriage of justice, forced penury?

By A. Dru Kristenev ——Bio and Archives--November 20, 2024

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While media and officials literally cry about the new administration focusing on dismantling the “administrative state,” that very apparatus continues to bludgeon and bury voices representing the American majority that voted in support of Trump’s agenda. It’s being accomplished via miscarriage of justice brought about by false testimony and denying evidence be introduced in so-called defamation trials.

We watched the FBI move in to strip Alex Jones of his earned assets (an excessive award of $1.5 Billion), handing over the profits from their sale to individuals, after courts unconstitutionally denied him a defense in a contorted defamation suit. It is worth pondering how devastated parents of murdered children were transformed into victims of defamation when their personal reputations didn’t appear to suffer damage from Jones’ speculative comments about the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012.

Highly offensive as the opinion expressed may have been to the bereft parents (and it was), or the public at large, how, in fact, these individuals were slandered was tenuous at best. It’s a hard case to make that claiming Jones’ comments promulgated harassment, thus constituting public derogation. Had it been provable beyond a doubt, then Jones wouldn’t have been refused presentation of a defense, any defense, in the civil proceeding.

This is just one of the ideologically and politically generated court cases against outspoken individuals who have built a large constituency of listeners interested in hearing multiple viewpoints, including those considered outlandish, i.e. “dangerous,” by entrenched media and government powerbrokers. Where special interest money is strategically infused into fractious situations to bolster establishment control, suffering or angry individuals can be targeted for manipulation – and they are.

Independent commentators and factfinders are now being forced to work around the barriers and landmines set-up by the Biden-Harris administration to crush expression of........

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