In hindsight, perhaps the money spent on the premier’s recent televised address would have been better off back in Alberta’s general revenue. After all, what was the point of setting the stage for a budget that hardly resembles the one tabled last week in the legislature?
For that matter, there is a broader disconnect between the rhetoric and the actions of this government when it comes to taxing and spending. Ultimately, governments should be judged on their actions, but credibility matters, too. Empty words and platitudes have a way of eroding that.
After purchasing airtime to tell Albertans how important it was that the government deliver leaner budgets and a reduced reliance on resource revenues — all while not raising taxes — we got a budget that increases spending, increases our reliance on resource revenue and increases taxes. What are we to make of this?
Maybe there are some or many Albertans for whom the specifics of this budget will hold some appeal. Fair........