Brookman: It's tough to be a leader, especially when you ignore the wishes of the people

It has been reported that Abraham Lincoln, faced with a difficult decision, once said: “Be sure you are right, then just go ahead.”

History allows us the luxury of looking back to see which political decisions — made either with or without the public’s blessing — turned out to be right. Leadership requires daily decisions that may not please someone and, on occasion, those decisions may not reflect the views of the majority. We must accept that.

Still, our current city council seems to be on a path that too often runs contrary to the wishes of the people. Their decisions seem to often reflect political philosophy rather than the will of the voters, and while it is reasonable to follow that path occasionally, we sense it becoming routine.

Think of the decisions over the past year or two that have flown in the faces of the people most affected.

The decision to develop a major part of Richmond Green Park remains a mystery to........

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