Brookman: Calgary Stampede more than a party; it's a reminder of our past and obligation to the future

“Forget your troubles and just get happy, we’re gonna chase all your cares away.”

Those old lyrics are the perfect way to look forward to July 5 and the start of the Calgary Stampede. Forget about potholes, interest rates, Green Line and water pipes, and immerse yourself in this economic juggernaut that we affectionately call The Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth.

Maybe your kids will have their first ride on a ferris wheel or you might have a first date that turns into a lifelong romance. You can fill your mouth with mini-donuts that you wash down with fine wine, or tour an inspiring Western art show.

The Calgary Stampede engages the entire community. You cannot arrive in the city and be unaware that something big is happening. Visitors are immediately immersed in a sea of friendly Calgarians, shaking hands, giving them directions while wearing cowboy hats and oozing Western hospitality. The Calgary Stampede “is not an event, it is a culture” and Calgarians, whether third generation or on their third day living here, seem to catch the spirit. Somehow Calgarians consider it a personal obligation to provide a warm welcome and Western hospitality, not only to visitors but also to each other, their neighbours, friends and colleagues.

The Calgary spirit is ingrained within us. The Stampede celebrates........

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