Nelson: Plan to live in a different type of Calgary

Want to know where our city’s headed? Well, get ready to advance Truth and Reconciliation, embed equity in land use and development decisions, all while adapting to climate change.

This isn’t my take on things. Those words are from the final draft of the Calgary Plan, a document prepared at city hall and designed to guide us toward a new future.

If you suspect civic administration has an agenda well beyond addressing the usual concerns of citizens — fire and police services, transit scheduling, garbage pickup, park and recreational facilities, road maintenance and providing the best bang for our tax bucks — then these following paragraphs, plucked from the plan, will be enlightening.

“Past discriminatory and racially unjust planning processes and practices about how land is used and how people move around the city have built and reinforced systemic barriers, leading to an inequitable distribution of opportunities and resources throughout Calgary.

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